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С Сибирска Википеддя
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ГДЕ упоминание того что Сибирь - часть Российской Федерации?
ГДЕ упоминание того что Сибирь - часть Российской Федерации?
WHERE are you mentioning that Siberia is a part of the Russian Federation?
WHERE are you mentioning that Siberia is a part of the Russian Federation? (anonymous)
Actually not all Siberia is part of RF - many people believe that Northern Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Manjuria etc is Siberia too. Please cease write insults in the articles in russian language, otherwise you will be banned. --[[User:YaroslavZolotaryov|YaroslavZolotaryov]] 18:07, 23 Грязник 2006 (UTC)

Revision as of 19:07, 23 Грязника 2006

ГДЕ упоминание того что Сибирь - часть Российской Федерации?

WHERE are you mentioning that Siberia is a part of the Russian Federation? (anonymous)


Actually not all Siberia is part of RF - many people believe that Northern Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Manjuria etc is Siberia too. Please cease write insults in the articles in russian language, otherwise you will be banned. --YaroslavZolotaryov 18:07, 23 Грязник 2006 (UTC)