Урядны весточки

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Урядны весточки
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action-reupload-own (розговор) (Translate) overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
action-reupload-shared (розговор) (Translate) override this file on a shared repository
action-rollback (розговор) (Translate) quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
action-sendemail (розговор) (Translate) send emails
action-siteadmin (розговор) (Translate) lock or unlock the database
action-suppressionlog (розговор) (Translate) view this private log
action-suppressredirect (розговор) (Translate) not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
action-suppressrevision (розговор) (Translate) review and restore hidden revisions
action-unblockself (розговор) (Translate) unblock oneself
action-undelete (розговор) (Translate) undelete pages
action-unwatchedpages (розговор) (Translate) view the list of unwatched pages
action-upload (розговор) (Translate) upload this file
action-upload_by_url (розговор) (Translate) upload this file from a URL
action-userrights (розговор) (Translate) edit all user rights
action-userrights-interwiki (розговор) (Translate) edit user rights of users on other wikis
action-viewmyprivateinfo (розговор) (Translate) view your private information
action-viewmywatchlist (розговор) (Translate) view your watchlist
action-viewsuppressed (розговор) (Translate) view revisions hidden from any user
action-writeapi (розговор) (Translate) use the write API
actioncomplete (розговор) (Translate) Action complete
Дейсво сдеено
actionfailed (розговор) (Translate) Action failed
actions (розговор) (Translate) Actions
actionthrottled (розговор) (Translate) Action throttled
actionthrottledtext (розговор) (Translate) As an anti-abuse measure, you are limited from performing this action too many times in a short space of time, and you have exceeded this limit. Please try again in a few minutes.
activeusers (розговор) (Translate) Active users list
activeusers-count (розговор) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|action|actions}} in the last {{PLURAL:$3|day|$3 days}}
activeusers-excludegroups (розговор) (Translate) Exclude users belonging to groups:
activeusers-from (розговор) (Translate) Display users starting at:
activeusers-groups (розговор) (Translate) Display users belonging to groups:
activeusers-intro (розговор) (Translate) This is a list of users who had some kind of activity within the last $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}.
activeusers-noresult (розговор) (Translate) No users found.
activeusers-submit (розговор) (Translate) Display active users
activeusers-summary (розговор) (Translate)  
addedwatchexpiry-options-label (розговор) (Translate) Watchlist time period:
addedwatchexpiryhours (розговор) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its discussion page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]] for a few hours.
addedwatchexpiryhours-talk (розговор) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its associated page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]] for a few hours.
addedwatchexpirytext (розговор) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its discussion page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]] for $2.
addedwatchexpirytext-talk (розговор) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its associated page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]] for $2.
addedwatchindefinitelytext (розговор) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its discussion page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]] permanently.
addedwatchindefinitelytext-talk (розговор) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its associated page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]] permanently.
addedwatchtext (розговор) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its discussion page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]].
Сторонка "[[:$1]]" поддата в вашенску [[Special:Watchlist|зырну пестегу]]. Перьодни ментовки етой сторонки и повязанной с ей Розговорной сторонки станут пестежытса там, а сторонка станет приявлятса '''жырным показом''' в [[Special:Recentchanges|пестеге подконечных ментовок]] чобы прошше за ей смореть. Еси вы хочете попожже снести сторонку-ту с вашенской зырной пестеги, дык шыбаните "Не смореть" на менюшке-той.
addedwatchtext-short (розговор) (Translate) The page "$1" has been added to your watchlist.
addedwatchtext-talk (розговор) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its associated page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]].
addsection (розговор) (Translate) +
addsection-editintro (розговор) (Translate)  
addsection-preload (розговор) (Translate)  
addwatch (розговор) (Translate) Add to watchlist
ago (розговор) (Translate) $1 ago
all-logs-page (розговор) (Translate) All public logs
allarticles (розговор) (Translate) All pages
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