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*>Yaroslav Zolotaryov
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[[Test-WP/chal |Головна сторонка]]
Столмачено с английской:
== Жытебайки==
=== Игрецы, плясуны да колыбки ===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Марлон Брандов|Марлон Брандов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Чарля Чаплин|Чарля Чаплин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Марлуха Дитрихова|Марлуха Дитрихова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маня Монрова|Маня Монрова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ванька Вейнов|Ванька Вейнов]]
=== Боляны и зодчии===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Паша Сезанников|Паша Сезанников]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ле Корбюзье|Ле Корбюзье]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Сальвадор Далиев|Сальвадор Далиев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Альбреха Дюреров|Альбреха Дюреров]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Винсен ван Гог|Винсен ван Гог]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Францыско Гоя|Францыско Гоя]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Хогаров|Вилька Хогаров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Хокусай|Хокусай]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фрида Калова|Фрида Калова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едвар Манейкин|Едвар Манейкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Андрюха Матискин|Андрюха Матискин]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Михайла Ангельской|Михайла Ангельской]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Клод Монейкин|Клод Монейкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жоржа О-Книфов|Жоржа О-Книфов]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Паша Пикассо|Паша Пикассо]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жексон Поллок|Жексон Поллок]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Никола Пуссен|Никола Пуссен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Рафаель|Рафаель]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Рембрантов|Рембрантов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Авгус Родин|Авгус Родин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Людя-Мес ван-Ровской|Людя-Мес ван-Ровской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Димитрий Веласкесов|Димитрий Веласкесов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ванька Вермееров|Ванька Вермееров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Витрувич|Витрувич]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Енди Вархол|Енди Вархол]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Христофер Врен|Христофер Врен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Франк Ллойд Райт|Франк Ллойд Райт]]
=== Баюны, жужыгописаки, и вершуны ===
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Данька Алигерков|Данька Алигерков]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ганс Християн Андерсен|Ганс Християн Андерсен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Аристофаныч|Аристофаныч]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Исак Азимов|Исак Азимов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Женя Остен|Женя Остен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Блейк|Вилька Блейк]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Бертолька Брехтов|Бертолька Брехтов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Кнезь Байрон|Кнезь Байрон]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Михайло Сервантес|Михайло Сервантес]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Тоша Чехов|Тоша Чехов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Емелька Дикинсон|Емелька Дикинсон]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Федя Достоевской|Федя Достоевской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Артуша Конан Дойль|Артуша Конан Дойль]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ду Фу|Ду Фу]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лександор Дюма|Лександор Дюма]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Скот Фицжеральдов|Скотт Фицжеральдов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Браты Гриммовы|Браты Гриммовы]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Дашелька Хаметтов|Дашелька Хамметов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Натан Хавторнов|Натан Хавторнов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ернес Хемингваев|Ернес Хемингваев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Хильдегар Бингеновской|Хильдегар Бингеновской]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Хомерыч|Хомерыч]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Витька Гюговской|Витька Гюговской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ланстон Хуесков|Ланстон Хуесков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Герка Ибсен|Герка Ибсен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жемка Жойсов|Жемка Жойсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Франц Кафкин|Франц Кафкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ли Бай|Ли Бай]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Звьоздина Лингренова|Звьоздина Лингренова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фома Маннов|Фома Маннов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Мацуво Басьо|Мацуво Басьо]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Една Святовинсентовска Миллейкина| Една Святовинсентовска Миллейкина]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Артуша Миллеров|Артуша Миллеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Моллер|Моллер]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Мурасаки Шикибу|Мурасаки Шикибу]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Паша Нерудов|Паша Нерудов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едгар-Аллан Повской|Едгар-Аллан Повской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Марселька Прустов|Марселька Прустов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лександор Пушкин|Лександор Пушкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Рейнер-Маня Рилькин|Рейнер-Маня Рилькин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Карлуша Сенбургов|Карлуша Сенбургов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Сапфонька|Сапфонька]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ванька-Паша Сартров|Ванька-Паша Сартров]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Шейкспирской|Вилька Шейкспирской]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жорка-Бернар Шовской|Жорка-Бернар Шовской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маня Шеллина|Маня Шеллина]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Софоклыч|Софоклыч]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Робя-Льоня Стевенсонов|Робя-Льоня Стевенсонов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ж.Р.Р. Толкиенов|Ж.Р.Р. Толкиенов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Льова Толстой|Льова Толстой]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маркуша Твейнов|Маркуша Твейнов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Юлий Вернов|Юлий Вернов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Виргилич|Виргилич]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Х.Г. Велсов|Х.Г. Велсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вольтя Витменов|Вольтя Витменов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Воська Вальдов|Воська Вальдов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька-Батлер Итцов|Вилька-Батлер Итцов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Зеами Мотокийо|Зеами Мотокийо]]
=== Сослогальники и леполадники===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня-Себастя Бахов|Ваня-Себастя Бахов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Бухарки|Бухарки]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Людя Бетховенов|Людя Бетховенов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Федя Шопенов|Федя Шопенов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Антоха Дворяков|Антоха Дворяков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Арезя Франклинова|Арезя Франклинова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едвар Григов|Едвар Григов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Густя Малеров|Густя Малеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Клавдий Чорнозельонов|Клавдий Чорнозельонов]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Волька-Амадей Моцартов|Волька-Амадей Моцартов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Елька Преслев|Елька Преслев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня Сибелиев|Ваня Сибелиев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ричар Вагнеров|Ричар Вагнеров]]
=== Первопроходцы===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Роваль Амудсенов|Роваль Амудсенов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Нил Армстронгов|Нил Армстронгов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Баренцов|Вилька Баренцов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Витя Беренгов|Витя Беренгов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Яков Картеров|Яков Картеров]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Христофор Колумбов|Христофор Колумбов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жемка Куков|Жемка Куков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ернан Кортесов|Ернан Кортесов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Францыско Дрейков|Фрнацыско Дрейков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня-Себастя Ельканин|Ваня-Себастя Ельканин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лейф Ериксонов| Лейф Ериксонов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вася из Гамы|Вася из Гамы]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Юрка Гагарин|Юрка Гагарин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едмун Хилларев|Едмун Хилларев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фердинан Магелланов|Фердинан Магелланов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Тенцын Норгаев|Тенцы Норгаев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маркуша Полов|Маркуша Полов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Авель Тасманов|Авель Тасманов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жен Хе|Жен Хе]]
=== Жывошны захиралы и жывкописаки ===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Инмар Бергманов|Инмар Бергманов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вольтя Диснеев|Вольтя Диснеев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Серьожа Ейнштейнов|Серьожа Ейнштейнов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Альфред Хичкоков|Альфред Хичкоков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Акира Куросава|Акира Куросава]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фриц Лангов|Фриц Лангов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жорка Лукасов|Жорка Лукасов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Франц Марьонов|Франц Марьонов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Льоня Рифеншталев|Льоня Рифеншталев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Мартин Скорсезов|Мартин Скорсезов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Стивен Спилбергов|Стивен Спилбергов]]
=== Выдумшыки, ведовники и числознайки===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Магомед Мусаевич Хорезмийской|Магомед Мусаевич Хорезмийской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Архимедыч|Архимедыч]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня-Ложа Бердов|Ваня-Ложа Бердов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лександор-Грем Беллов|Лександро-Грем Беллов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Карлуша Бенцов|Карлуша Бенцов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Мотя Бернер-Лийкин|Мотя Бернер-Лийкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Нилька Боров|Нилька Боров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Тишка Брагин|Тишка Брагин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Рахель Карсонов|Рахель Карсонов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Никола Коперников|Никола Коперников]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маня Курина|Маня Курина]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Карлуха Дарвинов|Карлуха Дарвинов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фома Едисонов|Фома Едисонов]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Альберт Ейнштейнов|Альберт Ейнштейнов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Льоня Евлер|Льоня Евлер]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Енрико Фермиев|Енрико Фермиев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ричар Фейнманов|Ричар Фейнманов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лександор Флемин|Лександор Флемин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Андрюха Фордов|Андрюха Фордов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Восип Фурьеров|Восип Фурьеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Букминстя Фуллеров|Букминстя Фуллеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Казя Функов|Казя Функов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Галилев Галилеев|Галилев Галилеев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Гейцов|Вилька Гейцов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Карлуша-Фридрих Гавуссов|Карлуша-Фридрих Гавуссов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Курт Гьоделев|Курт Гьоделев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня Гутенбергов|Ваня Гутенбергов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Давид Хильбертов|Давид Хильбертов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Християн Хуйгенсов|Християн Хуйгенсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Хипатовна Лександийска|Хипатовна Лександрийска]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едвар Женнеров|Едвар Женнеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Стьопа Жобсов|Стьопа Жобсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня Кеплеров|Ваня Кеплеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня-Майнар Кейнсов|Ваня-Майнар Кейнсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Дональд Кнутов|Дональд Кнутов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Петя-Семьон Лапласов|Петя-Семьон Лапласов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Готя Лейбницев|Готя Лейбницев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Карлуша Линнеев|Карлуша Линнеев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Игнат Лукашевич|Игнат Лукашевич]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жемс-Клерк Максвеллов|Жемс-Клерк Максвеллов]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Исак Ньютонов|Исак Ньютонов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Альфред Нобелев|Альфред Нобелев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ханс-Христьян Йорстедов|Ханс-Христьян Йорстедов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Людя Пастьоров|Людя Пастьоров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Данька Ритчин|Данька Ритчин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Волег Рьомеров|Волег Рьомеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька-Конрад Рьонтгенов|Вилька-Конрад Рьонтгенов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Беня Риманнов|Беня Риманнов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ернес Рузерфордов|Ернес Рузерфордов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ричар Сталманов|Ричар Сталманов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Никола Теслин|Никола Теслин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лин Торвальдов|Лин Торвальдов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Алан Турингов|Алан Турингов]]
# [[en:Leonardo da Vinci|Leonardo da Vinci]]
# [[en:Wright brothers|Wright brothers]]
=== Social scientists (philosophers, economists, historians and thinkers) ===
# [[en:Thomas Aquinas|Thomas Aquinas]]
# '''[[en:Aristotle|Aristotle]]'''
# [[en:Augustine of Hippo|Augustine of Hippo]]
# [[en:Averroes|Averroes]]
# [[en:Simone de Beauvoir|Simone de Beauvoir]]
# [[en:René Descartes|René Descartes]]
# [[en:Émile Durkheim|Émile Durkheim]]
# [[en:Ralph Waldo Emerson|Ralph Waldo Emerson]]
# [[en:Michel Foucault|Michel Foucault]]
# '''[[en:Sigmund Freud|Sigmund Freud]]'''
# [[en:Edward Gibbon|Edward Gibbon]]
# [[en:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe|Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]]
# [[en:Germaine Greer|Germaine Greer]]
# [[en:Herodotus|Herodotus]]
# [[en:Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel|Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel]]
# [[en:Hippocrates|Hippocrates]]
# [[en:Immanuel Kant|Immanuel Kant]]
# [[en:Martin Luther|Martin Luther]]
# [[en:Rosa Luxemburg|Rosa Luxemburg]]
# [[en:Søren Kierkegaard|Søren Kierkegaard]]
# [[en:Martin Luther King, Jr.|Martin Luther King, Jr.]]
# [[en:Niccolò Machiavelli|Niccolò Machiavelli]]
# '''[[en:Karl Marx|Karl Marx]]'''
# [[en:Nagarjuna|Nagarjuna]]
# [[en:Friedrich Nietzsche|Friedrich Nietzsche]]
# [[en:Thomas Paine|Thomas Paine]]
# '''[[en:Plato|Plato]]'''
# [[en:Pythagoras|Pythagoras]]
# [[en:Sima Qian|Sima Qian]]
# [[en:Stein Rokkan|Stein Rokkan]]
# [[en:Jean-Jacques Rousseau|Jean-Jacques Rousseau]]
# [[en:Bertrand Russell|Bertrand Russell]]
# [[en:Adam Smith|Adam Smith]]
# [[en:Socrates|Socrates]]
# [[en:Sun Tzu|Sun Tzu]]
# [[en:Thales|Thales]]
# [[en:Voltaire|Voltaire]]
# [[en:Max Weber|Max Weber]]
=== Politicans, leaders and aristocrats ===
# [[en:Akbar|Akbar]]
# [[en:Alexander the Great|Alexander the Great]]
# [[en:Kofi Annan|Kofi Annan]]
# [[en:Kemal Atatürk|Kemal Atatürk]]
# [[en:Attila the Hun|Attila the Hun]]
# [[en:Augustus|Augustus]]
# [[en:Hastings Banda|Hastings Banda]]
# [[en:Pope Benedict XVI|Pope Benedict XVI]]
# [[en:Silvio Berlusconi|Silvio Berlusconi]]
# [[en:Otto von Bismarck|Otto von Bismarck]]
# [[en:Tony Blair|Tony Blair]]
# [[en:Simón Bolívar|Simón Bolívar]]
# [[en:Napoleon I of France|Napoleon I of France]]
# [[en:Lucrezia Borgia|Lucrezia Borgia]]
# [[en:Gro Harlem Brundtland|Gro Harlem Brundtland]]
# '''[[en:George W. Bush|George W. Bush]]'''
# [[en:Fidel Castro|Fidel Castro]]
# [[en:Catherine II of Russia|Catherine II of Russia]]
# [[en:Charlemagne|Charlemagne]]
# [[en:Jacques Chirac|Jacques Chirac]]
# [[en:Empress Dowager Cixi|Empress Dowager Cixi]]
# [[en:Winston Churchill|Winston Churchill]]
# [[en:Cleopatra VII of Egypt|Cleopatra VII of Egypt]]
# [[en:Diana, Princess of Wales|Diana, Princess of Wales]]
# [[en:Indira Gandhi|Indira Gandhi]]
# [[en:Constantine I (emperor)|Constantine I (emperor)]]
# [[en:Elizabeth I of England|Elizabeth I of England]]
# [[en:Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom|Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom]]
# [[en:Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria|Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria]]
# [[en:Charles de Gaulle|Charles de Gaulle]]
# [[en:Mikhail Gorbachev|Mikhail Gorbachev]]
# [[en:Hammurabi|Hammurabi]]
# [[en:Hannibal|Hannibal]]
# [[en:Hirohito|Hirohito]]
# '''[[en:Adolf Hitler|Adolf Hitler]]'''
# [[en:Thomas Jefferson|Thomas Jefferson]]
# [[en:Pope John Paul II|Pope John Paul II]]
# [[en:Julius Caesar|Julius Caesar]]
# [[en:Genghis Khan|Genghis Khan]]
# [[en:Lee Kuan Yew|Lee Kuan Yew]]
# '''[[en:Vladimir Lenin|Vladimir Lenin]]'''
# [[en:Abraham Lincoln|Abraham Lincoln]]
# [[en:Nelson Mandela|Nelson Mandela]]
# [[en:Mao Zedong|Mao Zedong]]
# [[en:Maria Theresa of Austria|Maria Theresa of Austria]]
# [[en:Mary I of Scotland|Mary I of Scotland]]
# [[en:Golda Meir|Golda Meir]]
# [[en:Christian Michelsen|Christian Michelsen]]
# [[en:Mahathir bin Mohamad|Mahathir bin Mohamad]]
# [[en:Benito Mussolini|Benito Mussolini]]
# [[en:Nefertiti|Nefertiti]]
# [[en:Kwame Nkrumah|Kwame Nkrumah]]
# [[en:Eva Perón|Eva Perón]]
# [[en:Peter I of Russia|Peter I of Russia]]
# [[en:Józef Piłsudski|Józef Piłsudski]]
# [[en:Pol Pot|Pol Pot]]
# [[en:Vladimir Putin|Vladimir Putin]]
# [[en:Qin Shi Huang|Qin Shi Huang]]
# [[en:Eleanor Roosevelt|Eleanor Roosevelt]]
# [[en:Franklin D. Roosevelt|Franklin D. Roosevelt]]
# [[en:Saladin|Saladin]]
# [[en:Gerhard Schröder|Gerhard Schröder]]
# [[en:Semiramis|Semiramis]]
# [[en:Shaka|Shaka Zulu]]
# [[en:Queen of Sheba|Queen of Sheba]]
# [[en:Sitting Bull|Sitting Bull]]
# [[en:Joseph Stalin|Joseph Stalin]]
# [[en:Margaret Thatcher|Margaret Thatcher]]
# [[en:Timur|Timur]]
# [[en:Leon Trotsky|Leon Trotsky]]
# [[en:Harry S. Truman|Harry S. Truman]]
# [[en:Victoria of the United Kingdom|Victoria of the United Kingdom]]
# [[en:Lech Wałęsa|Lech Wałęsa]]
# [[en:George Washington|George Washington]]
# [[en:Wilhelm II of Germany|Wilhelm II of Germany]]
=== Revolutionaries and activists ===
# [[en:Joan of Arc|Joan of Arc]]
# [[en:Mahatma Gandhi|Mahatma Gandhi]]
# [[en:Emma Goldman|Emma Goldman]]
# [[en:Che Guevara|Che Guevara]]
# [[en:Mother Jones|Mother Jones]]
# [[en:Helen Keller|Helen Keller]]
# [[en:Ho Chi Minh|Ho Chi Minh]]
# [[en:Osama bin Laden|Osama bin Laden]]
# [[en:Florence Nightingale|Florence Nightingale]]
# [[en:Rosa Parks|Rosa Parks]]
# [[en:Emilia Plater|Emilia Plater]]
# [[en:Gavrilo Princip|Gavrilo Princip]]
# [[en:Mother Teresa|Mother Teresa]]
# [[en:Sojourner Truth|Sojourner Truth]]
# [[en:Harriet Tubman|Harriet Tubman]]
== History ==
This section is for events and periods in human history and prehistory. At least five sentences on:
# '''[[en:History|History]]'''
# [[en:History of the world|History of the world]]
=== Prehistory and ancient world ===
# [[en:Ancient Egypt|Ancient Egypt]]
# [[en:Ancient Greece|Ancient Greece]]
# [[en:Ancient Rome|Ancient Rome]]
# [[en:Archaeology|Archaeology]]
# [[en:Bronze Age|Bronze Age]]
# [[en:Byzantine Empire|Byzantine Empire]]
# [[en:Han Dynasty|Han Dynasty]]
# [[en:Human evolution|Human evolution]]
# [[en:Indus Valley Civilization|Indus Valley Civilization]]
# [[en:Maya civilization|Maya civilization]]
# [[en:Iron Age|Iron Age]]
# [[en:Macedon|Macedonian Empire]]
# [[en:Mesoamerica|Mesoamerica]]
# [[en:Prehistory|Prehistory]]
# [[en:Seljuk Turks|Seljuk Empire]]
# [[en:Stone Age|Stone Age]]
# [[en:Sumer|Sumer]]
=== Middle Ages and Renaissance ===
# [[en:Age of Enlightenment|Age of Enlightenment]]
# [[en:American Revolutionary War|American Revolutionary War]]
# [[en:Aztec|Aztec]]
# [[en:Black Death|Black Death]]
# [[en:Counter-Reformation|Counter-Reformation]]
# [[en:Crusade|Crusades]]
# [[en:East-West Schism|East-West Schism]]
# [[en:Eighty Years' War|Eighty Years' War]]
# [[en:English Civil War|English Civil War]]
# [[en:European colonization of the Americas|European colonization of the Americas]]
# [[en:French Revolution|French Revolution]]
# [[en:Holy Roman Empire|Holy Roman Empire]]
# [[en:Inca Empire|Inca Empire]]
# [[en:Middle Ages|Middle Ages]]
# [[en:Ming Dynasty|Ming Dynasty]]
# [[en:Napoleonic Wars|Napoleonic Wars]]
# [[en:Ottoman Empire|Ottoman Empire]]
# [[en:Partitions of Poland|Partitions of Poland]]
# [[en:Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth|Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth]]
# [[en:Protestant Reformation|Protestant Reformation]]
# [[en:Renaissance|Renaissance]]
# [[en:Song Dynasty|Song Dynasty]]
# [[en:Spanish Inquisition|Spanish Inquisition]]
# [[en:Tang Dynasty|Tang Dynasty]]
# [[en:Viking|Vikings]]
# [[en:Yuan Dynasty|Yuan Dynasty]]
===Industrial age===
# [[en:1973 oil crisis|1973 oil crisis]]
# [[en:American Civil War|American Civil War]]
# [[en:History of South Africa in the apartheid era|Apartheid]]
# [[en:British Empire|British Empire]]
# '''[[en:Cold War|Cold War]]'''
# [[en:Decolonization|Decolonization]]
# [[en:Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel|Establishment of the State of Israel]]
# [[en:History of the Soviet Union (1985-1991)|Dissolution of the Soviet Union]]
# [[en:Franco-Prussian War|Franco-Prussian War]]
# [[en:German reunification|German reunification]]
# [[en:Unification of Germany|German unification]]
# [[en:Great Depression|Great Depression]]
# [[en:Gulf War|Gulf War]]
# [[en:The Holocaust|The Holocaust]]
# '''[[en:Industrial Revolution|Industrial Revolution]]'''
# [[en:Iranian Revolution|Iranian Revolution]]
# [[en:Italian unification|Italian unification]]
# [[en:Korean War|Korean War]]
# [[en:Meiji Restoration|Meiji Restoration]]
# [[en:Nazi Germany|Nazi Germany]]
# [[en:Polish-Soviet War|Polish-Soviet War]]
# [[en:Qing Dynasty|Qing Dynasty]]
# [[en:Reunification of Germany|Reunification of Germany]]
# [[en:Russian Civil War|Russian Civil War]]
# [[en:Russian Revolution of 1917|Russian Revolution of 1917]]
# [[en:Scramble for Africa|Scramble for Africa]]
# [[en:Solidarity|Solidarity]]
# [[en:Soviet war in Afghanistan|Soviet war in Afghanistan]]
# [[en:Space exploration|Space exploration]]
# [[en:Spanish Civil War|Spanish Civil War]]
# [[en:Treaty of Versailles|Treaty of Versailles]]
# [[en:Vietnam War|Vietnam War]]
# '''[[en:World War I|World War I]]'''
# '''[[en:World War II|World War II]]'''
== Geography ==
This section is for geographical concepts and for specific places.
# '''[[en:Geography|Geography]]'''
# [[en:Capital|Capital]]
# '''[[en:City|City]]'''
# '''[[en:Continent|Continent]]'''
# '''[[en:Country|Country]]'''
# [[en:Desert|Desert]]
# [[en:Earth science|Earth science]]
# [[en:Map|Map]]
# [[en:North Pole|North Pole]]
# '''[[en:Ocean|Ocean]]'''
# [[en:Rainforest|Rainforest]]
# [[en:River|River]]
# [[en:Sea|Sea]]
# [[en:South Pole|South Pole]]
=== Continents and major regions ===
At least three sentences on each.
# '''[[en:Africa|Africa]]'''
# '''[[en:Antarctica|Antarctica]]'''
# '''[[en:Asia|Asia]]'''
# '''[[en:Europe|Europe]]'''
# [[en:Latin America|Latin America]]
# [[en:Middle East|Middle East]]
# '''[[en:North America|North America]]'''
# '''[[en:Oceania|Oceania]]'''
# '''[[en:South America|South America]]'''
=== Countries ===
Eventually, there should be articles on most or all of the 243 countries listed at [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries]. However, for the smaller Wikipedias, some of the more high-priority countries to have articles on are:
# [[en:Afghanistan|Afghanistan]]
# '''[[en:Australia|Australia]]'''
# [[en:Austria|Austria]]
# [[en:Bangladesh|Bangladesh]]
# '''[[en:Brazil|Brazil]]'''
# '''[[en:Canada|Canada]]'''
# [[en:Cuba|Cuba]]
# [[en:Democratic Republic of the Congo|Democratic Republic of the Congo]]
# [[en:Egypt|Egypt]]
# [[en:Ethiopia|Ethiopia]]
# '''[[en:France|France]]'''
# '''[[en:Germany|Germany]]'''
# [[en:Greece|Greece]]
# '''[[en:India|India]]'''
# '''[[en:Indonesia|Indonesia]]'''
# '''[[en:Iran|Iran]]'''
# '''[[en:Iraq|Iraq]]'''
# '''[[en:Israel|Israel]]'''
# [[en:Italy|Italy]]
# '''[[en:Japan|Japan]]'''
# [[en:Kazakhstan|Kazakhstan]]
# [[en:Libya|Libya]]
# [[en:Mexico|Mexico]]
# [[en:Monaco|Monaco]]
# [[en:Mongolia|Mongolia]]
# [[en:Nepal|Nepal]]
# [[en:Netherlands|Netherlands]]
# [[en:Niger|Niger]]
# [[en:Nigeria|Nigeria]]
# [[en:North Korea|North Korea]]
# [[en:Peru|Peru]]
# '''[[en:People's Republic of China|People's Republic of China]]'''
# [[en:Poland|Poland]]
# '''[[en:Russia|Russia]]'''
# [[en:Rwanda|Rwanda]]
# [[en:Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia]]
# [[en:Singapore|Singapore]]
# [[en:South Africa|South Africa]]
# [[en:South Korea|South Korea]]
# '''[[en:Spain|Spain]]'''
# [[en:Sudan|Sudan]]
# [[en:Sweden|Sweden]]
# [[en:Switzerland|Switzerland]]
# [[en:Turkey|Turkey]]
# [[en:Ukraine|Ukraine]]
# '''[[en:United Kingdom|United Kingdom]]'''
# '''[[en:United States|United States]]'''
# [[en:Vietnam|Vietnam]]
=== Cities ===
# [[en:Athens|Athens]]
# [[en:Bangkok|Bangkok]]
# [[en:Barcelona|Barcelona]]
# [[en:Beijing|Beijing]]
# [[en:Belgrade|Belgrade]]
# [[en:Berlin|Berlin]]
# [[en:Brussels|Brussels]]
# [[en:Cairo|Cairo]]
# [[en:Copenhagen|Copenhagen]]
# [[en:Edinburgh|Edinburgh]]
# [[en:Frankfurt|Frankfurt]]
# [[en:Hanoi|Hanoi]]
# '''[[en:Hong Kong|Hong Kong]]'''
# [[en:Istanbul|Istanbul]]
# [[en:Jakarta|Jakarta]]
# '''[[en:Jerusalem|Jerusalem]]'''
# '''[[en:London|London]]'''
# [[en:Manila|Manila]]
# [[en:Madrid|Madrid]]
# [[en:Mecca|Mecca]]
# [[en:Mexico City|Mexico City]]
# [[en:Moscow|Moscow]]
# [[en:Mumbai|Mumbai]]
# [[en:Munich|Munich]]
# [[en:Nairobi|Nairobi]]
# [[en:New Delhi|New Delhi]]
# '''[[en:New York City|New York City]]'''
# '''[[en:Paris|Paris]]'''
# [[en:Rio de Janeiro|Rio de Janeiro]]
# '''[[en:Rome|Rome]]'''
# [[en:Saint Petersburg|Saint Petersburg]]
# [[en:Seoul|Seoul]]
# [[en:Shanghai|Shanghai]]
# [[en:Singapore|Singapore]]
# [[en:Stockholm|Stockholm]]
# [[en:Sydney|Sydney]]
# [[en:Taipei|Taipei]]
# '''[[en:Tokyo|Tokyo]]'''
# [[en:Toronto|Toronto]]
# [[en:Vatican City|Vatican City]]
# [[en:Vienna|Vienna]]
# [[en:Warsaw|Warsaw]]
# [[en:Washington, D.C.|Washington, D.C.]]
=== Bodies of water ===
# [[en:Amazon River|Amazon River]]
# [[en:Aral Sea|Aral Sea]]
# [[en:Arctic Ocean|Arctic Ocean]]
# '''[[en:Atlantic Ocean|Atlantic Ocean]]'''
# [[en:Baltic Sea|Baltic Sea]]
# [[en:Black Sea|Black Sea]]
# [[en:Caspian Sea|Caspian Sea]]
# [[en:Dead Sea|Dead Sea]]
# [[en:Great Barrier Reef|Great Barrier Reef]]
# [[en:Great Lakes|Great Lakes]]
# '''[[en:Indian Ocean|Indian Ocean]]'''
# [[en:Lake Baikal|Lake Baikal]]
# [[en:Lake Tanganyika|Lake Tanganyika]]
# [[en:Lake Titicaca|Lake Titicaca]]
# [[en:Lake Victoria|Lake Victoria]]
# [[en:Mediterranean Sea|Mediterranean Sea]]
# [[en:Mississippi River|Mississippi River]]
# [[en:Niagara Falls|Niagara Falls]]
# '''[[en:Nile|Nile]]'''
# [[en:North Sea|North Sea]]
# '''[[en:Pacific Ocean|Pacific Ocean]]'''
# [[en:Panama Canal|Panama Canal]]
# [[en:Suez Canal|Suez Canal]]
# [[en:Southern Ocean|Southern Ocean]]
=== Mountains, valleys and deserts ===
# [[en:Alps|Alps]]
# [[en:Andes|Andes]]
# [[en:Grand Canyon|Grand Canyon]]
# [[en:Great Rift Valley|Great Rift Valley]]
# '''[[en:Himalaya|Himalaya]]'''
# [[en:Mount Kilimanjaro|Mount Kilimanjaro]]
# [[en:Mount Everest|Mount Everest]]
# [[en:Rocky Mountains|Rocky Mountains]]
# '''[[en:Sahara|Sahara]]'''
== Society ==
# '''[[en:Society|Society]]'''
# [[en:Anthropology|Anthropology]]
# [[en:Civilization|Civilization]]
# [[en:Community|Community]]
# [[en:Demographics|Demographics]]
# '''[[en:Education|Education]]'''
# [[en:Psychology|Psychology]]
# [[en:Sociology|Sociology]]
=== Family and relationships ===
# '''[[en:Family|Family]]'''
# '''[[en:Adult|Adult]]'''
# [[en:Boy|Boy]]
# '''[[en:Child|Child]]'''
# [[en:Courtship|Courtship]]
# [[en:Girl|Girl]]
# '''[[en:Infant|Infant]]'''
# [[en:Man|Man]]
# '''[[en:Marriage|Marriage]]'''
## [[en:Husband|Husband]]
## [[en:Wife|Wife]]
# [[en:Woman|Woman]]
=== Thought, behavior and emotion ===
# [[en:Consciousness|Consciousness]]
# [[en:Emotion|Emotion]]
## [[en:Anger|Anger]]
## [[en:Fear|Fear]]
## [[en:Happiness|Happiness]]
## [[en:Hate|Hate]]
## [[en:Love|Love]]
## [[en:Depression (mood)|Sadness]]
# [[en:Mind|Mind]]
# [[en:Sleep|Sleep]]
## [[en:Dream|Dream]]
# [[en:Thought|Thought]]
=== Politics ===
# '''[[en:Politics|Politics]]'''
# [[en:Anarchism|Anarchism]]
# [[en:Democracy|Democracy]]
# [[en:Dictatorship|Dictatorship]]
# [[en:Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]
# [[en:Fascism|Fascism]]
# [[en:Globalization|Globalization]]
# '''[[en:Government|Government]]'''
# [[en:Imperialism|Imperialism]]
# [[en:Liberalism|Liberalism]]
# [[en:Monarchy|Monarchy]]
# [[en:Nationalism|Nationalism]]
# [[en:Republic|Republic]]
# [[en:Separation of powers|Separation of powers]]
# '''[[en:State|State]]'''
# [[en:Political party|Political party]]
# [[en:Theocracy|Theocracy]]
=== Business and economics ===
# '''[[en:Business|Business]]
# '''[[en:Economics|Economics]]'''
## [[en:Macroeconomics|Macroeconomics]]
## [[en:Microeconomics|Microeconomics]]
# [[en:Advertising|Advertising]]
# '''[[en:Agriculture|Agriculture]]'''
# [[en:Capital|Capital]]
# [[en:Capitalism|Capitalism]]
# [[en:Communism|Communism]]
# [[en:Currency|Currency]]
## [[en:Euro|Euro]]
## [[en:Japanese yen|Japanese yen]]
## [[en:Pound sterling|Pound sterling]]
## [[en:Renminbi|Renminbi]]
## [[en:Rupee|Rupee]]
## [[en:United States dollar|United States dollar]]
# [[en:Employment|Employment]]
# [[en:Finance|Finance]]
# [[en:Industry|Industry]]
## [[en:Manufacturing|Manufacturing]]
## [[en:Mining|Mining]]
## [[en:Refining|Refining]]
# [[en:Market|Market]]
# '''[[en:Money|Money]]'''
# [[en:Socialism|Socialism]]
# [[en:Supply and demand|Supply and demand]]
# [[en:Tourism|Tourism]]
=== Law ===
# '''[[en:Law|Law]]'''
# [[en:Crime|Crime]]
# [[en:Constitution|Constitution]]
# Specific documents
## [[en:Magna Carta|Magna Carta]]
## [[en:Leviathan (book)|Leviathan (book)]]
## [[en:Republic (Plato)|Republic (Plato)]]
## [[en:The Communist Manifesto|The Communist Manifesto]]
=== International organizations ===
# [[en:African Union|African Union]]
# [[en:Arab League|Arab League]]
# [[en:Association of Southeast Asian Nations|Association of Southeast Asian Nations]]
# [[en:Commonwealth of Independent States|Commonwealth of Independent States]]
# [[en:Commonwealth of Nations|Commonwealth of Nations]]
# [[en:Council of Europe|Council of Europe]]
# [[en:European Union|European Union]]
# [[en:Geneva Conventions|Geneva Conventions]]
## '''[[en:International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement|International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement]]'''
# [[en:Interpol|Interpol]]
# [[en:NATO|NATO]]
# [[en:Nobel Prize|Nobel Prize]]
# [[en:Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development|Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development]]
# [[en:Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe|Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe]]
# [[en:Organization of American States|Organization of American States]]
# [[en:Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries|Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries]]
# '''[[en:United Nations|United Nations]]'''
## [[en:International Atomic Energy Agency|International Atomic Energy Agency]]
## [[en:International Court of Justice|International Court of Justice]]
## [[en:International Criminal Court|International Criminal Court]]
## [[en:International Monetary Fund|International Monetary Fund]]
## [[en:United Nations Children's Fund|United Nations Children's Fund]]
## [[en:Universal Declaration of Human Rights|Universal Declaration of Human Rights]]
## [[en:World Bank Group|World Bank Group]]
## [[en:World Health Organization|World Health Organization]]
## [[en:World Trade Organization|World Trade Organization]]
=== War and military ===
# [[en:Aerial warfare|Aerial warfare]]
# '''[[en:Military|Military]]'''
## [[en:Army|Army]]
### [[en:Artillery|Artillery]]
### [[en:Cavalry|Cavalry]]
### [[en:Infantry|Infantry]]
## [[en:Navy|Navy]]
# '''[[en:Peace|Peace]]'''
# '''[[en:War|War]]'''
=== Social issues ===
# [[en:Abortion|Abortion]]
# [[en:Birth control|Birth control]]
# '''[[en:Capital punishment|Capital punishment]]'''
# [[en:Freedom|Freedom]]
# [[en:Gender|Gender]]
# '''[[en:Human rights|Human rights]]'''
# [[en:Racism|Racism]]
# [[en:Sexism|Sexism]]
# '''[[en:Slavery|Slavery]]'''
# [[en:World peace|World peace]]
== Culture ==
At least three sentences on:
# '''[[en:Culture|Culture]]'''
# '''[[en:Art|Art]]'''
## [[en:Comics|Comics]]
## [[en:Drawing|Drawing]]
## [[en:Painting|Painting]]
## [[en:Sculpture|Sculpture]]
### [[en:Pottery|Pottery]]
# '''[[en:Dance|Dance]]'''
# [[en:Fashion|Fashion]]
# '''[[en:Theatre|Theatre]]'''
## [[en:Broadway theatre|Broadway theatre]]
## [[en:Noh|Noh]]
=== Language and literature ===
# '''[[en:Language|Language]]'''
# '''[[en:Alphabet|Alphabet]]'''
## [[en:Chinese character|Chinese character]]
## [[en:Cyrillic alphabet|Cyrillic alphabet]]
## [[en:Greek alphabet|Greek alphabet]]
## [[en:Latin alphabet|Latin alphabet]]
## '''[[en:Letter|Letter]]'''
## [[en:Phoenician alphabet|Phoenician alphabet]]
# '''[[en:Book|Book]]'''
# [[en:Dialect|Dialect]]
# '''[[en:Grammar|Grammar]]'''
## [[en:Noun|Noun]]
## [[en:Syntax|Syntax]]
## [[en:Verb|Verb]]
# [[en:Linguistics|Linguistics]]
# [[en:Literacy|Literacy]]
# '''[[en:Literature|Literature]]'''
## [[en:Fiction|Fiction]]
## [[en:Novel|Novel]]
### [[en:Don Quixote|Don Quixote]]
### [[en:The Book of One Thousand and One Nights|The Book of One Thousand and One Nights]]
## '''[[en:Poetry|Poetry]]'''
### [[en:Epic of Gilgamesh|Epic of Gilgamesh]]
### [[en:Iliad|Iliad]]
### [[en:Mahabharata|Mahabharata]]
### [[en:Odyssey|Odyssey]]
# [[en:Pronunciation|Pronunciation]]
# Specific languages
## [[en:Arabic language|Arabic language]]
## [[en:Bengali language|Bengali language]]
## [[en:English language|English language]]
## [[en:Esperanto|Esperanto]]
## [[en:French language|French language]]
## [[en:German language|German language]]
## [[en:Greek language|Greek language]]
## [[en:Hebrew language|Hebrew language]]
## [[en:Hindi|Hindi]]
## [[en:Japanese language|Japanese language]]
## [[en:Latin|Latin]]
## [[en:Russian language|Russian language]]
## [[en:Sanskrit|Sanskrit]]
## [[en:Spanish language|Spanish language]]
## [[en:Chinese language|Chinese language]] <!--With the clarification that it is, linguistically spoken, not one language.-->
## [[en:Tamil language|Tamil language]]
## [[en:Turkish language|Turkish language]] <!--(there is no Ural-Altaic language. It lacks a balance)-->
# '''[[en:Word|Word]]'''
# '''[[en:Writing|Writing]]'''
=== Architecture and civil engineering ===
# '''[[en:Architecture|Architecture]]'''
# [[en:Arch|Arch]]
# [[en:Bridge|Bridge]]
# [[en:Canal|Canal]]
# [[en:Dam|Dam]]
# [[en:Dome|Dome]]
# '''[[en:House|House]]'''
# [[en:Nail (engineering)|Nail (engineering)]]
# Specific structures
## [[en:Aswan Dam|Aswan Dam]]
## [[en:Great Wall of China|Great Wall of China]]
## [[en:Taj Mahal|Taj Mahal]]
# [[en:Pyramid|Pyramid]]
# [[en:Tower|Tower]]
=== Film, radio and television ===
# '''[[en:Film|Film]]'''
## [[en:Animation|Animation]]
## [[en:Silent film|Silent film]]
## [[en:Studio system|Studio system]]
# '''[[en:Radio|Radio]]'''
# '''[[en:Television|Television]]'''
# '''[[en:Music|Music]]'''
# [[en:Compact disc|Compact disc]]
# [[en:Song|Song]]
# Specific music genres
## [[en:Classical music|Classical music]]
### [[en:Opera|Opera]]
### [[en:Symphony|Symphony]]
## [[en:Folk music|Folk music]]
### [[en:Gamelan|Gamelan]]
### [[en:Indian classical music|Indian classical music]]
## [[en:Jazz|Jazz]]
## [[en:Pop music|Pop music]]
## [[en:Reggae|Reggae]]
## [[en:Rhythm and blues|Rhythm and blues]]
### [[en:Soul music|Soul music]]
## [[en:Rock and roll|Rock and roll]]
### [[en:Heavy metal music|Heavy metal music]]
# Specific musical instruments
## [[en:Drum|Drum]]
## [[en:Flute|Flute]]
## [[en:Guitar|Guitar]]
## [[en:Piano|Piano]]
## [[en:String instrument|String instrument]]
## [[en:Trumpet|Trumpet]]
## [[en:Violin|Violin]]
=== Recreation ===
# [[en:Recreation|Recreation]]
# [[en:Entertainment|Entertainment]]
# '''[[en:Game|Game]]'''
## [[en:Backgammon|Backgammon]]
## [[en:Chess|Chess]]
## [[en:Draughts|Draughts]]
## [[en:Go (board game)|Go (board game)]]
## [[en:Mancala|Mancala]]
## [[en:Playing card|Playing card]]
# [[en:Gambling|Gambling]]
# [[en:Leisure|Leisure]]
# [[en:Martial arts|Martial arts]]
## [[en:Judo|Judo]]
# [[en:Olympic Games|Olympic Games]]
# [[en:Party|Party]]
# '''[[en:Sport|Sport]]'''
## [[en:American football|American football]]
## [[en:Auto racing|Auto racing]]
### [[en:Formula One|Formula One]]
## [[en:Badminton|Badminton]]
## [[en:Baseball|Baseball]]
## [[en:Basketball|Basketball]]
## [[en:Cricket|Cricket]]
## [[en:Fencing|Fencing]]
## [[en:Football (soccer)|Football (soccer)]]
## [[en:Ice hockey|Ice hockey]]
## [[en:Rugby football|Rugby football]]
## [[en:Tennis|Tennis]]
## [[en:Volleyball|Volleyball]]
## [[en:Water polo|Water polo]]
## [[en:Wrestling|Wrestling]]
## [[en:Athletics|Athletics]]
# [[en:FIFA World Cup|FIFA World Cup]]
# '''[[en:Toy|Toy]]'''
=== Religion ===
# '''[[en:Religion|Religion]]'''
# [[en:Astrology|Astrology]]
# '''[[en:Deity|Deity]]'''
## [[en:God|God]]
# [[en:Festival|Festival]]
# [[en:Holiday|Holiday]]
# '''[[en:Mythology|Mythology]]'''
## [[en:Greek mythology|Greek mythology]]
# Religious philosophies
## [[en:Agnosticism|Agnosticism]]
## [[en:Atheism|Atheism]]
## [[en:Fundamentalism|Fundamentalism]]
# '''[[en:Soul|Soul]]'''
# Specific religions
## [[en:Bahá'í Faith|Bahá'í Faith]]
### [[en:Báb|Báb]]
### [[en:Bahá'u'lláh|Bahá'u'lláh]]
## [[en:Buddhism |Buddhism ]]
### [[en:Gautama Buddha|Gautama Buddha]]
## '''[[en:Christianity|Christianity]]'''
### [[en:Bible|Bible]]
### [[en:Church|Church]]
### [[en:Jesus|Jesus]]
### [[en:Pope|Pope]]
### [[en:Protestantism|Protestantism]]
### [[en:Roman Catholic Church|Roman Catholic Church]]
### [[en:Trinity|Trinity]]
## [[en:Confucianism|Confucianism]]
### [[en:Confucius|Confucius]]
## '''[[en:Hinduism|Hinduism]]'''
### [[en:Bhagavad Gita|Bhadavad Gita]]
### [[en:Brahma|Brahma]]
### [[en:Brahman|Brahman]]
### [[en:Shiva|Shiva]]
### [[en:Upanishad|Upanishad]]
### [[en:Veda|Veda]]
### [[en:Vedanta|Vedanta]]
### [[en:Vishnu|Vishnu]]
### [[en:Yoga|Yoga]]
## '''[[en:Islam|Islam]]'''
### [[en:Ali|Ali]]
### [[en:Allah|Allah]]
### [[en:Mosque|Mosque]]
### [[en:Muhammad|Muhammad]]
### [[en:Qur'an|Qur'an]]
### [[en:Shi'a Islam|Shi'a Islam]]
### [[en:Sufism|Sufism]]
### [[en:Sunni Islam|Sunni Islam]]
### [[en:Umar|Umar]]
## [[en:Jainism |Jainism ]]
## [[en:Judaism|Judaism]]
### [[en:Abraham|Abraham]]
### [[en:Moses|Moses]]
### [[en:Torah|Torah]]
### [[en:Talmud|Talmud]]
## [[en:Shinto|Shinto]]
## [[en:Sikhism|Sikhism]]
### [[en:Guru Nanak Dev|Guru Nanak Dev]]
## [[en:Taoism |Taoism ]]
### [[en:Laozi|Laozi]]
## [[en:Unitarianism|Unitarianism]]
## [[en:Voodoo|Voodoo]]
## [[en:Zoroastrianism|Zoroastrianism]]
### [[en:Zoroaster|Zoroaster]]
# [[en:Spirituality|Spirituality]]
=== Philosophy ===
# '''[[en:Philosophy|Philosophy]]'''
## [[en:Eastern philosophy|Eastern philosophy]]
## [[en:Western philosophy|Western philosophy]]
# [[en:Aesthetics|Aesthetics]]
# [[en:Beauty|Beauty]]
# [[en:Ethics|Ethics]]
# [[en:Existence|Existence]]
# [[en:Experience|Experience]]
# [[en:Feminism|Feminism]]
# [[en:Free will|Free will]]
# [[en:Humanism|Humanism]]
# [[en:Knowledge|Knowledge]]
# '''[[en:Logic|Logic]]'''
# [[en:Metaphysics|Metaphysics]]
# [[en:Morality|Morality]]
# [[en:Reality|Reality]]
# [[en:Truth|Truth]]
== Science ==
At least a five-sentence introduction to the major fields.
# [[en:Science|Science]]
# [[en:Scientific method|Scientific method]]
=== Astronomy ===
# '''[[en:Astronomy|Astronomy]]'''
# [[en:Asteroid|Asteroid]]
# '''[[en:Big Bang|Big Bang]]'''
# [[en:Black hole|Black hole]]
# [[en:Comet|Comet]]
# '''[[en:Galaxy|Galaxy]]'''
## [[en:Milky Way|Milky Way]]
# [[en:Light year|Light year]]
# '''[[en:Moon|Moon]]'''
# '''[[en:Planet|Planet]]'''
## '''[[en:Earth|Earth]]'''
## [[en:Jupiter (planet)|Jupiter]]
## [[en:Mars (planet)|Mars]]
## [[en:Mercury (planet)|Mercury]]
## [[en:Neptune (planet)|Neptune]]
## [[en:Pluto (planet)|Pluto]]
## [[en:Saturn (planet)|Saturn]]
## [[en:Uranus (planet)|Uranus]]
## [[en:Venus (planet)|Venus]]
# [[en:Solar system|Solar system]]
# '''[[en:Star|Star]]'''
## '''[[en:Sun|Sun]]'''
# [[en:Universe|Universe]]
=== Biology ===
# '''[[en:Biology|Biology]]'''
# Biological materials
## '''[[en:DNA|DNA]]'''
## [[en:Enzyme|Enzyme]]
## [[en:Protein|Protein]]
# [[en:Botany|Botany]]
# '''[[en:Death|Death]]'''
## [[en:Suicide|Suicide]]
# [[en:Ecology|Ecology]]
## [[en:Endangered species|Endangered species]]
## [[en:Extinction|Extinction]]
# '''[[en:Life|Life]]'''
# [[en:Scientific classification|Scientific classification]]
## [[en:Species|Species]]
=== Biological processes ===
# '''[[en:Metabolism|Metabolism]]'''
## [[en:Digestion|Digestion]]
### [[en:Excretion|Excretion]]
## '''[[en:Photosynthesis|Photosynthesis]]'''
## [[en:Respiration (physiology)|Respiration (physiology)]]
# '''[[en:Evolution|Evolution]]'''
## [[en:Human evolution|Human evolution]]
# '''[[en:Biological reproduction|Biological reproduction]]'''
## [[en:Asexual reproduction|Asexual reproduction]]
## [[en:Sexual reproduction|Sexual reproduction]]
### [[en:Heterosexuality|Heterosexuality]]
### [[en:Homosexuality|Homosexuality]]
### [[en:Pregnancy|Pregnancy]]
### [[en:Sex|Sex]]
#### [[en:Female|Female]]
#### [[en:Male|Male]]
### [[en:Sexual intercourse|Sexual intercourse]]
==== Anatomy ====
# '''[[en:Anatomy|Anatomy]]'''
# '''[[en:Cell|Cell]]'''
# [[en:Circulatory system|Circulatory system]]
## [[en:Blood|Blood]]
## [[en:Heart|Heart]]
# [[en:Endocrine system|Endocrine system]]
# [[en:Gastrointestinal tract|Gastrointestinal tract]]
## [[en:Colon (anatomy)|Large intestine]]
## [[en:Small intestine|Small intestine]]
## [[en:Liver|Liver]]
# [[en:Integumentary system|Integumentary system]]
## [[en:Breast|Breast]]
## [[en:Skin|Skin]]
# [[en:Nervous system|Nervous system]]
## [[en:Brain|Brain]]
## [[en:Sensory system|Sensory system]]
### [[en:Auditory system|Auditory system]]
#### [[en:Ear|Ear]]
### [[en:Gustatory system|Gustatory system]]
### [[en:Olfactory system|Olfactory system]]
### [[en:Somatosensory system|Somatosensory system]]
### [[en:Visual system|Visual system]]
#### [[en:Eye|Eye]]
# [[en:Reproductive system|Reproductive system]]
## [[en:Penis|Penis]]
## [[en:Vagina|Vagina]]
# [[en:Respiratory system|Respiratory system]]
## [[en:Lung|Lung]]
# [[en:Skeleton|Skeleton]]
==== Health and medicine ====
# '''[[en:Medicine|Medicine]]'''
# [[en:Addiction|Addiction]]
## [[en:Alcoholism|Alcoholism]]
### [[en:Cirrhosis|Cirrhosis]]
## [[en:Drug addiction|Drug addiction]]
# '''[[en:Cancer|Cancer]]'''
## [[en:Lung cancer|Lung cancer]]
# [[en:Cholera|Cholera]]
# [[en:Dentistry|Dentistry]]
# [[en:Diabetes mellitus|Diabetes mellitus]]
# [[en:Disability|Disability]]
## [[en:Blindness|Blindness]]
## [[en:Hearing impairment|Hearing impairment]]
## [[en:Mental illness|Mental illness]]
# '''[[en:Disease|Disease]]'''
# [[en:Medication|Drugs]]
## [[en:Caffeine|Caffeine]]
## [[en:Cannabis|Cannabis]]
## [[en:Cocaine|Cocaine]]
## [[en:Ethanol|Ethanol]]
## [[en:Nicotine|Nicotine]]
### [[en:Tobacco|Tobacco]]
## [[en:Opium|Opium]]
# [[en:Dysentery|Dysentery]]
# [[en:Health|Health]]
# [[en:Heart disease|Heart disease]]
# [[en:Hypertension|Hypertension]]
# '''[[en:Malaria|Malaria]]'''
# [[en:Malnutrition|Malnutrition]]
# [[en:Obesity|Obesity]]
# [[en:Pneumonia|Pneumonia]]
# [[en:Sexually transmitted disease|Sexually transmitted disease]]
## '''[[en:AIDS|AIDS]]'''
## [[en:Syphilis|Syphilis]]
# [[en:Stroke|Stroke]]
# [[en:Tuberculosis|Tuberculosis]]
# '''[[en:Virus|Virus]]'''
## '''[[en:Influenza|Influenza]]'''
### [[en:H5N1|H5N1]]
## [[en:Smallpox|Smallpox]]
==== Organisms ====
# '''[[en:Organism|Organism]]'''
# '''[[en:Animal|Animal]]'''
## [[en:Arthropod|Arthropod]]
### '''[[en:Insect|Insect]]'''
#### [[en:Ant|Ant]]
#### [[en:Bee|Bee]]
#### [[en:Butterfly|Butterfly]]
### [[en:Arachnid|Arachnid]]
## [[en:Chordate|Chordate]]
### '''[[en:Amphibian|Amphibian]]'''
#### [[en:Frog|Frog]]
### '''[[en:Bird|Bird]]'''
#### [[en:Dove|Dove]]
#### [[en:Eagle|Eagle]]
### '''[[en:Fish|Fish]]'''
#### [[en:Shark|Shark]]
### '''[[en:Mammal|Mammal]]'''
#### [[en:Ape|Ape]]
##### '''[[en:Human|Human]]'''
#### [[en:Bat|Bat]]
#### [[en:Bear|Bear]]
#### [[en:Camel|Camel]]
#### [[en:Cat|Cat]]
#### [[en:Cattle|Cattle]]
#### [[en:Dog|Dog]]
#### [[en:Dolphin|Dolphin]]
#### [[en:Elephant|Elephant]]
##### [[en:Mammoth|Mammoth]]
#### [[en:Horse|Horse]]
#### [[en:Sheep|Sheep]]
#### [[en:Lion|Lion]]
#### [[en:Pig|Pig]]
#### [[en:Whale|Whale]]
### '''[[en:Reptile|Reptile]]'''
#### [[en:Dinosaur|Dinosaur]]
#### [[en:Snake|Snake]]
# [[en:Archaea|Archaea]]
# '''[[en:Bacteria|Bacteria]]'''
# '''[[en:Fungus|Fungus]]'''
# '''[[en:Plant|Plant]]'''
## [[en:Flower|Flower]]
## [[en:Tree|Tree]]
# [[en:Protist|Protist]]
=== Chemistry ===
# '''[[en:Chemistry|Chemistry]]'''
# [[en:Biochemistry|Biochemistry]]
# [[en:Chemical compound|Chemical compound]]
## [[en:Acid|Acid]]
## [[en:Base (chemistry)|Base (chemistry)]]
## [[en:Salt|Salt]]
# '''[[en:Chemical element|Chemical element]]'''
## [[en:List of elements|List of elements]]
## [[en:Periodic table|Periodic table]]
## [[en:Aluminium|Aluminium]]
## [[en:Carbon|Carbon]]
## [[en:Copper|Copper]]
## '''[[en:Gold|Gold]]'''
## [[en:Helium|Helium]]
## '''[[en:Hydrogen|Hydrogen]]'''
## '''[[en:Iron|Iron]]'''
## [[en:Lithium|Lithium]]
## [[en:Neon|Neon]]
## [[en:Nitrogen|Nitrogen]]
## '''[[en:Oxygen|Oxygen]]'''
## [[en:Silver|Silver]]
## [[en:Tin|Tin]]
## [[en:Zinc|Zinc]]
# '''[[en:Metal|Metal]]'''
## [[en:Alloy|Alloy]]
### [[en:Brass|Brass]]
### [[en:Bronze|Bronze]]
### [[en:Steel|Steel]]
# [[en:Organic chemistry|Organic chemistry]]
## [[en:Alcohol|Alcohol]]
## [[en:Carbohydrate|Carbohydrate]]
## [[en:Hormone|Hormone]]
## [[en:Lipid|Lipid]]
# '''[[en:Phase (matter)|Phase (matter)]]'''
## [[en:Gas|Gas]]
## [[en:Liquid|Liquid]]
## [[en:Plasma (physics)|Plasma]]
## [[en:Solid|Solid]]
=== Weather, climate and geology ===
# [[en:Avalanche|Avalanche]]
# '''[[en:Climate|Climate]]'''
## [[en:ENSO|ENSO]]
## [[en:Global warming|Global warming]]
# [[en:Earthquake|Earthquake]]
# '''[[en:Geology|Geology]]'''
## '''[[en:Mineral|Mineral]]'''
### [[en:Bronze|Bronze]]
### [[en:Diamond|Diamond]]
### [[en:Limestone|Limestone]]
## [[en:Plate tectonics|Plate tectonics]]
## '''[[en:Rock|Rock]]'''
### [[en:Basalt|Basalt]]
### [[en:Flint|Flint]]
# [[en:Natural disaster|Natural disaster]]
# [[en:Volcano|Volcano]]
# '''[[en:Weather|Weather]]'''
## [[en:Cloud|Cloud]]
## [[en:Flood|Flood]]
### [[en:Tsunami|Tsunami]]
## [[en:Rain|Rain]]
### [[en:Acid rain|Acid rain]]
### [[en:Snow|Snow]]
## [[en:Tornado|Tornado]]
## [[en:Tropical cyclone|Tropical cyclone]]
=== Physics ===
# '''[[en:Physics|Physics]]'''
# [[en:Acceleration|Acceleration]]
# '''[[en:Atom|Atom]]'''
## [[en:Electron|Electron]]
## [[en:Neutron|Neutron]]
## [[en:Proton|Proton]]
# '''[[en:Energy|Energy]]'''
## [[en:Electromagnetic radiation|Electromagnetic radiation]]
### [[en:Infrared|Infrared]]
### [[en:Visual spectrum|Visual spectrum]]
#### [[en:Black|Black]]
#### '''[[en:Color|Color]]'''
##### [[en:Blue|Blue]]
##### [[en:Green|Green]]
##### [[en:Red|Red]]
##### [[en:Yellow|Yellow]]
#### [[en:White|White]]
### [[en:Ultraviolet|Ultraviolet]]
### [[en:Gamma ray|Gamma ray]]
# '''[[en:Force|Force]]'''
## [[en:Electromagnetism|Electromagnetism]]
## [[en:Gravitation|Gravitation]]
## [[en:Nuclear force|Nuclear force]]
# [[en:Isotope|Isotope]]
# [[en:Light|Light]]
# '''[[en:Mass|Mass]]'''
# '''[[en:Molecule|Molecule]]'''
# [[en:Quantum mechanics|Quantum mechanics]]
# '''[[en:Sound|Sound]]'''
# '''[[en:Speed|Speed]]'''
# [[en:Theory of relativity|Theory of relativity]]
# '''[[en:Time|Time]]'''
# [[en:Velocity|Velocity]]
# '''[[en:Weight|Weight]]'''
=== Timekeeping ===
# '''[[en:Calendar|Calendar]]'''
## [[en:Chinese calendar|Chinese calendar]]
## [[en:Gregorian calendar|Gregorian calendar]]
# '''[[en:Day|Day]]'''
# '''[[en:Month|Month]]'''
## [[en:January|January]]
## [[en:February|February]]
## [[en:March|March]]
## [[en:April|April]]
## [[en:May|May]]
## [[en:June|June]]
## [[en:July|July]]
## [[en:August|August]]
## [[en:September|September]]
## [[en:October|October]]
## [[en:November|November]]
## [[en:December|December]]
# [[en:Time zone|Time zone]]
## [[en:Daylight saving time|Daylight saving time]]
# [[en:Week|Week]]
# '''[[en:Year|Year]]'''
## [[en:Leap year|Leap year]]
== Technology ==
# [[en:Technology|Technology]]
# [[en:Biotechnology|Biotechnology]]
# [[en:Clothing|Clothing]]
## [[en:Cotton|Cotton]]
# [[en:Coinage|Coinage]]
# [[en:Engineering|Engineering]]
## [[en:Inclined plane|Inclined plane]]
## [[en:Lever|Lever]]
## [[en:Pulley|Pulley]]
## [[en:Screw|Screw]]
## [[en:Wedge|Wedge]]
## [[en:Wheel|Wheel]]
# [[en:Irrigation|Irrigation]]
## [[en:Plough|Plough]]
# [[en:Knife|Knife]]
# [[en:Metallurgy|Metallurgy]]
# [[en:Nanotechnology|Nanotechnology]]
=== Communication ===
# [[en:Communication|Communication]]
# [[en:Information|Information]]
# [[en:Journalism|Journalism]]
## [[en:Newspaper|Newspaper]]
## [[en:Mass media|Mass media]]
# [[en:Printing|Printing]]
# [[en:Railroad|Railroad]]
# [[en:Telegraph|Telegraph]]
# [[en:Telephone|Telephone]]
## [[en:Mobile telephone|Mobile telephone]]
=== Electronics ===
# [[en:Electronics|Electronics]]
## [[en:Capacitance|Capacitance]]
## [[en:Gain|Gain]]
## [[en:Charge|Charge]]
## [[en:Current (electricity)|Current (electricity)]]
## [[en:Electrical resistance|Electrical resistance]]
## [[en:Frequency|Frequency]]
## [[en:Inductance|Inductance]]
## [[en:Reactance|Reactance]]
# Components
## [[en:Capacitor|Capacitor]]
## [[en:Inductor|Inductor]]
## [[en:Transistor|Transistor]]
## [[en:Diode|Diode]]
## [[en:Resistor|Resistor]]
## [[en:Transformer|Transformer]]
==== Computers and Internet ====
# [[en:Computer|Computer]]
## [[en:Boot loader|Boot loader]]
## [[en:Hard disk|Hard disk]]
## [[en:Motherboard|Motherboard]]
## [[en:Processor|Processor]]
## [[en:RAM|RAM]]
# [[en:Artificial Intelligence|Artificial Intelligence]]
# [[en:Computer science|Computer science]]
## [[en:Algorithm|Algorithm]]
# [[en:Information technology|Information technology]]
# [[en:Internet|Internet]]
## [[en:E-mail|E-mail]]
## [[en:Internet protocol|Internet protocol]]
## [[en:TCP|TCP]]
## [[en:World Wide Web|World Wide Web]]
### [[en:Web browser|Web browser]]
## [[en:HTTP|HTTP]]
## [[en:HTML|HTML]]
# [[en:Operating system|Operating system]]
## [[en:BSD|BSD]]
## [[en:Linux|Linux]]
## [[en:Mac OS|Mac OS]]
## [[en:Microsoft Windows|Microsoft Windows]]
## [[en:Unix|Unix]]
# [[en:Programming language|Programming language]]
## [[en:BASIC|BASIC]]
## [[en:C++|C++]]
## [[en:Java programming language|Java programming language]]
## [[en:PHP|PHP]]
# [[en:Software|Software]]
# [[en:User interface|User interface]]
## [[en:Keyboard|Keyboard]]
## [[en:Monitor|Monitor]]
## [[en:Mouse (computing)|Mouse (computing)]]
=== Raw materials and energy ===
# [[en:Electricity|Electricity]]
## [[en:Nuclear power|Nuclear power]]
# [[en:Fossil fuel|Fossil fuel]]
## [[en:Coal|Coal]]
## [[en:Gas|Gas]]
## [[en:Oil|Oil]]
# [[en:Fire|Fire]]
# [[en:Internal combustion engine|Internal combustion engine]]
# [[en:Renewable energy|Renewable energy]]
## [[en:Hydropower|Hydropower]]
## [[en:Solar power|Solar power]]
## [[en:Wind power|Wind power]]
# [[en:Glass|Glass]]
# [[en:Paper|Paper]]
# [[en:Plastic|Plastic]]
# [[en:Steam engine|Steam engine]]
# [[en:Wood|Wood]]
=== Transportation ===
# [[en:Transport|Transport]]
# [[en:Aircraft|Aircraft]]
# [[en:Automobile|Automobile]]
# [[en:Bicycle|Bicycle]]
# [[en:Boat|Boat]]
# [[en:Ship|Ship]]
# [[en:Train|Train]]
=== Weapons ===
# [[en:Weapon|Weapon]]
# [[en:Axe|Axe]]
# [[en:Explosive material|Explosive material]]
## [[en:Gunpowder|Gunpowder]]
# [[en:Firearm|Firearm]]
# [[en:Machine gun|Machine gun]]
# [[en:Nuclear weapon|Nuclear weapon]]
# [[en:Sword|Sword]]
# [[en:Tank|Tank]]
== Foodstuffs ==
# [[en:Food|Food]]
# [[en:Bread|Bread]]
# [[en:Cereal|Cereal]]
## [[en:Barley|Barley]]
## [[en:Maize|Maize]]
## [[en:Oat|Oat]]
## [[en:Rice|Rice]]
## [[en:Sorghum|Sorghum]]
## [[en:Wheat|Wheat]]
# [[en:Cheese|Cheese]]
# [[en:Chocolate|Chocolate]]
# [[en:Honey|Honey]]
# [[en:Fruit|Fruit]]
## [[en:Apple|Apple]]
## [[en:Banana|Banana]]
## [[en:Grape|Grape]]
## [[en:Legume|Legume]]
### [[en:Soybean|Soybean]]
## [[en:Lemon|Lemon]]
## [[en:Nut (fruit)|Nut (fruit)]]
## [[en:Orange (fruit)|Orange (fruit)]]
# [[en:Meat|Meat]]
# [[en:Sugar|Sugar]]
# [[en:Vegetable|Vegetable]]
## [[en:Potato|Potato]]
=== Beverages ===
# [[en:Alcoholic beverage|Alcoholic beverage]]
## [[en:Beer|Beer]]
## [[en:Wine|Wine]]
# [[en:Cola|Cola]]
# [[en:Coffee|Coffee]]
# [[en:Milk|Milk]]
# [[en:Tea|Tea]]
# [[en:Water|Water]]
== Mathematics ==
# [[en:Mathematics|Mathematics]]
# [[en:Algebra|Algebra]]
# [[en:Arithmetic|Arithmetic]]
# [[en:Axiom|Axiom]]
# [[en:Calculus|Calculus]]
## [[en:Differentiation|Differentiation]]
## [[en:Integration|Integration]]
# [[en:Geometry|Geometry]]
## [[en:Circle|Circle]]
### [[en:Pi|Pi]]
## [[en:Square|Square]]
## [[en:Triangle|Triangle]]
# [[en:Group theory|Group theory]]
# [[en:Mathematical logic|Mathematical logic]]
# [[en:Mathematical proof|Mathematical proof]]
## [[en:Mathematical induction|Mathematical induction]]
## [[en:Reductio ad absurdum|Reductio ad absurdum]]
# [[en:Number|Number]]
## [[en:Complex number|Complex number]]
## [[en:Integer|Integer]]
## [[en:Natural number|Natural number]]
## [[en:Prime number|Prime number]]
## [[en:Rational number|Rational number]]
# [[en:Infinity|Infinity]]
# [[en:Set theory|Set theory]]
# [[en:Statistics|Statistics]]
# [[en:Trigonometry|Trigonometry]]
=== Отверка и мерощницы===
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Отверка|Отверка]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/СИ|СИ]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Тышшопасма|Тышшопасма]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Полага|Полага]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Юнда|Юнда]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Нютонник|Нютонник]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вольтовник|Вольтовник]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваттовник|Ваттовник]]

Revision as of 23:10, 6 Червня 2006

Головна сторонка

Столмачено с английской: List_of_articles_all_languages_should_have.


Игрецы, плясуны да колыбки

  1. Марлон Брандов
  2. Чарля Чаплин
  3. Марлуха Дитрихова
  4. Маня Монрова
  5. Ванька Вейнов

Боляны и зодчии

  1. Паша Сезанников
  2. Ле Корбюзье
  3. Сальвадор Далиев
  4. Альбреха Дюреров
  5. Винсен ван Гог
  6. Францыско Гоя
  7. Вилька Хогаров
  8. Хокусай
  9. Фрида Калова
  10. Едвар Манейкин
  11. Андрюха Матискин
  12. Михайла Ангельской
  13. Клод Монейкин
  14. Жоржа О-Книфов
  15. Паша Пикассо
  16. Жексон Поллок
  17. Никола Пуссен
  18. Рафаель
  19. Рембрантов
  20. Авгус Родин
  21. Людя-Мес ван-Ровской
  22. Димитрий Веласкесов
  23. Ванька Вермееров
  24. Витрувич
  25. Енди Вархол
  26. Христофер Врен
  27. Франк Ллойд Райт

Баюны, жужыгописаки, и вершуны

  1. Данька Алигерков
  2. Ганс Християн Андерсен
  3. Аристофаныч
  4. Исак Азимов
  5. Женя Остен
  6. Вилька Блейк
  7. Бертолька Брехтов
  8. Кнезь Байрон
  9. Михайло Сервантес
  10. Тоша Чехов
  11. Емелька Дикинсон
  12. Федя Достоевской
  13. Артуша Конан Дойль
  14. Ду Фу
  15. Лександор Дюма
  16. Скотт Фицжеральдов
  17. Браты Гриммовы
  18. Дашелька Хамметов
  19. Натан Хавторнов
  20. Ернес Хемингваев
  21. Хильдегар Бингеновской
  22. Хомерыч
  23. Витька Гюговской
  24. Ланстон Хуесков
  25. Герка Ибсен
  26. Жемка Жойсов
  27. Франц Кафкин
  28. Ли Бай
  29. Звьоздина Лингренова
  30. Фома Маннов
  31. Мацуво Басьо
  32. Една Святовинсентовска Миллейкина
  33. Артуша Миллеров
  34. Моллер
  35. Мурасаки Шикибу
  36. Паша Нерудов
  37. Едгар-Аллан Повской
  38. Марселька Прустов
  39. Лександор Пушкин
  40. Рейнер-Маня Рилькин
  41. Карлуша Сенбургов
  42. Сапфонька
  43. Ванька-Паша Сартров
  44. Вилька Шейкспирской
  45. Жорка-Бернар Шовской
  46. Маня Шеллина
  47. Софоклыч
  48. Робя-Льоня Стевенсонов
  49. Ж.Р.Р. Толкиенов
  50. Льова Толстой
  51. Маркуша Твейнов
  52. Юлий Вернов
  53. Виргилич
  54. Х.Г. Велсов
  55. Вольтя Витменов
  56. Воська Вальдов
  57. Вилька-Батлер Итцов
  58. Зеами Мотокийо

Сослогальники и леполадники

  1. Ваня-Себастя Бахов
  2. Бухарки
  3. Людя Бетховенов
  4. Федя Шопенов
  5. Антоха Дворяков
  6. Арезя Франклинова
  7. Едвар Григов
  8. Густя Малеров
  9. Клавдий Чорнозельонов
  10. Волька-Амадей Моцартов
  11. Елька Преслев
  12. Ваня Сибелиев
  13. Ричар Вагнеров


  1. Роваль Амудсенов
  2. Нил Армстронгов
  3. Вилька Баренцов
  4. Витя Беренгов
  5. Яков Картеров
  6. Христофор Колумбов
  7. Жемка Куков
  8. Ернан Кортесов
  9. Фрнацыско Дрейков
  10. Ваня-Себастя Ельканин
  11. Лейф Ериксонов
  12. Вася из Гамы
  13. Юрка Гагарин
  14. Едмун Хилларев
  15. Фердинан Магелланов
  16. Тенцы Норгаев
  17. Маркуша Полов
  18. Авель Тасманов
  19. Жен Хе

Жывошны захиралы и жывкописаки

  1. Инмар Бергманов
  2. Вольтя Диснеев
  3. Серьожа Ейнштейнов
  4. Альфред Хичкоков
  5. Акира Куросава
  6. Фриц Лангов
  7. Жорка Лукасов
  8. Франц Марьонов
  9. Льоня Рифеншталев
  10. Мартин Скорсезов
  11. Стивен Спилбергов

Выдумшыки, ведовники и числознайки

  1. Магомед Мусаевич Хорезмийской
  2. Архимедыч
  3. Ваня-Ложа Бердов
  4. Лександро-Грем Беллов
  5. Карлуша Бенцов
  6. Мотя Бернер-Лийкин
  7. Нилька Боров
  8. Тишка Брагин
  9. Рахель Карсонов
  10. Никола Коперников
  11. Маня Курина
  12. Карлуха Дарвинов
  13. Фома Едисонов
  14. Альберт Ейнштейнов
  15. Льоня Евлер
  16. Енрико Фермиев
  17. Ричар Фейнманов
  18. Лександор Флемин
  19. Андрюха Фордов
  20. Восип Фурьеров
  21. Букминстя Фуллеров
  22. Казя Функов
  23. Галилев Галилеев
  24. Вилька Гейцов
  25. Карлуша-Фридрих Гавуссов
  26. Курт Гьоделев
  27. Ваня Гутенбергов
  28. Давид Хильбертов
  29. Християн Хуйгенсов
  30. Хипатовна Лександрийска
  31. Едвар Женнеров
  32. Стьопа Жобсов
  33. Ваня Кеплеров
  34. Ваня-Майнар Кейнсов
  35. Дональд Кнутов
  36. Петя-Семьон Лапласов
  37. Готя Лейбницев
  38. Карлуша Линнеев
  39. Игнат Лукашевич
  40. Жемс-Клерк Максвеллов
  41. Исак Ньютонов
  42. Альфред Нобелев
  43. Ханс-Христьян Йорстедов
  44. Людя Пастьоров
  45. Данька Ритчин
  46. Волег Рьомеров
  47. Вилька-Конрад Рьонтгенов
  48. Беня Риманнов
  49. Ернес Рузерфордов
  50. Ричар Сталманов
  51. Никола Теслин
  52. Лин Торвальдов
  53. Алан Турингов
  54. Leonardo da Vinci
  55. Wright brothers

Social scientists (philosophers, economists, historians and thinkers)

  1. Thomas Aquinas
  2. Aristotle
  3. Augustine of Hippo
  4. Averroes
  5. Simone de Beauvoir
  6. René Descartes
  7. Émile Durkheim
  8. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. Michel Foucault
  10. Sigmund Freud
  11. Edward Gibbon
  12. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  13. Germaine Greer
  14. Herodotus
  15. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  16. Hippocrates
  17. Immanuel Kant
  18. Martin Luther
  19. Rosa Luxemburg
  20. Søren Kierkegaard
  21. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  22. Niccolò Machiavelli
  23. Karl Marx
  24. Nagarjuna
  25. Friedrich Nietzsche
  26. Thomas Paine
  27. Plato
  28. Pythagoras
  29. Sima Qian
  30. Stein Rokkan
  31. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  32. Bertrand Russell
  33. Adam Smith
  34. Socrates
  35. Sun Tzu
  36. Thales
  37. Voltaire
  38. Max Weber

Politicans, leaders and aristocrats

  1. Akbar
  2. Alexander the Great
  3. Kofi Annan
  4. Kemal Atatürk
  5. Attila the Hun
  6. Augustus
  7. Hastings Banda
  8. Pope Benedict XVI
  9. Silvio Berlusconi
  10. Otto von Bismarck
  11. Tony Blair
  12. Simón Bolívar
  13. Napoleon I of France
  14. Lucrezia Borgia
  15. Gro Harlem Brundtland
  16. George W. Bush
  17. Fidel Castro
  18. Catherine II of Russia
  19. Charlemagne
  20. Jacques Chirac
  21. Empress Dowager Cixi
  22. Winston Churchill
  23. Cleopatra VII of Egypt
  24. Diana, Princess of Wales
  25. Indira Gandhi
  26. Constantine I (emperor)
  27. Elizabeth I of England
  28. Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
  29. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
  30. Charles de Gaulle
  31. Mikhail Gorbachev
  32. Hammurabi
  33. Hannibal
  34. Hirohito
  35. Adolf Hitler
  36. Thomas Jefferson
  37. Pope John Paul II
  38. Julius Caesar
  39. Genghis Khan
  40. Lee Kuan Yew
  41. Vladimir Lenin
  42. Abraham Lincoln
  43. Nelson Mandela
  44. Mao Zedong
  45. Maria Theresa of Austria
  46. Mary I of Scotland
  47. Golda Meir
  48. Christian Michelsen
  49. Mahathir bin Mohamad
  50. Benito Mussolini
  51. Nefertiti
  52. Kwame Nkrumah
  53. Eva Perón
  54. Peter I of Russia
  55. Józef Piłsudski
  56. Pol Pot
  57. Vladimir Putin
  58. Qin Shi Huang
  59. Eleanor Roosevelt
  60. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  61. Saladin
  62. Gerhard Schröder
  63. Semiramis
  64. Shaka Zulu
  65. Queen of Sheba
  66. Sitting Bull
  67. Joseph Stalin
  68. Margaret Thatcher
  69. Timur
  70. Leon Trotsky
  71. Harry S. Truman
  72. Victoria of the United Kingdom
  73. Lech Wałęsa
  74. George Washington
  75. Wilhelm II of Germany

Revolutionaries and activists

  1. Joan of Arc
  2. Mahatma Gandhi
  3. Emma Goldman
  4. Che Guevara
  5. Mother Jones
  6. Helen Keller
  7. Ho Chi Minh
  8. Osama bin Laden
  9. Florence Nightingale
  10. Rosa Parks
  11. Emilia Plater
  12. Gavrilo Princip
  13. Mother Teresa
  14. Sojourner Truth
  15. Harriet Tubman


This section is for events and periods in human history and prehistory. At least five sentences on:

  1. History
  2. History of the world

Prehistory and ancient world

  1. Ancient Egypt
  2. Ancient Greece
  3. Ancient Rome
  4. Archaeology
  5. Bronze Age
  6. Byzantine Empire
  7. Han Dynasty
  8. Human evolution
  9. Indus Valley Civilization
  10. Maya civilization
  11. Iron Age
  12. Macedonian Empire
  13. Mesoamerica
  14. Prehistory
  15. Seljuk Empire
  16. Stone Age
  17. Sumer

Middle Ages and Renaissance

  1. Age of Enlightenment
  2. American Revolutionary War
  3. Aztec
  4. Black Death
  5. Counter-Reformation
  6. Crusades
  7. East-West Schism
  8. Eighty Years' War
  9. English Civil War
  10. European colonization of the Americas
  11. French Revolution
  12. Holy Roman Empire
  13. Inca Empire
  14. Middle Ages
  15. Ming Dynasty
  16. Napoleonic Wars
  17. Ottoman Empire
  18. Partitions of Poland
  19. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  20. Protestant Reformation
  21. Renaissance
  22. Song Dynasty
  23. Spanish Inquisition
  24. Tang Dynasty
  25. Vikings
  26. Yuan Dynasty

Industrial age

  1. 1973 oil crisis
  2. American Civil War
  3. Apartheid
  4. British Empire
  5. Cold War
  6. Decolonization
  7. Establishment of the State of Israel
  8. Dissolution of the Soviet Union
  9. Franco-Prussian War
  10. German reunification
  11. German unification
  12. Great Depression
  13. Gulf War
  14. The Holocaust
  15. Industrial Revolution
  16. Iranian Revolution
  17. Italian unification
  18. Korean War
  19. Meiji Restoration
  20. Nazi Germany
  21. Polish-Soviet War
  22. Qing Dynasty
  23. Reunification of Germany
  24. Russian Civil War
  25. Russian Revolution of 1917
  26. Scramble for Africa
  27. Solidarity
  28. Soviet war in Afghanistan
  29. Space exploration
  30. Spanish Civil War
  31. Treaty of Versailles
  32. Vietnam War
  33. World War I
  34. World War II


This section is for geographical concepts and for specific places.

  1. Geography
  2. Capital
  3. City
  4. Continent
  5. Country
  6. Desert
  7. Earth science
  8. Map
  9. North Pole
  10. Ocean
  11. Rainforest
  12. River
  13. Sea
  14. South Pole

Continents and major regions

At least three sentences on each.

  1. Africa
  2. Antarctica
  3. Asia
  4. Europe
  5. Latin America
  6. Middle East
  7. North America
  8. Oceania
  9. South America


Eventually, there should be articles on most or all of the 243 countries listed at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries. However, for the smaller Wikipedias, some of the more high-priority countries to have articles on are:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Australia
  3. Austria
  4. Bangladesh
  5. Brazil
  6. Canada
  7. Cuba
  8. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  9. Egypt
  10. Ethiopia
  11. France
  12. Germany
  13. Greece
  14. India
  15. Indonesia
  16. Iran
  17. Iraq
  18. Israel
  19. Italy
  20. Japan
  21. Kazakhstan
  22. Libya
  23. Mexico
  24. Monaco
  25. Mongolia
  26. Nepal
  27. Netherlands
  28. Niger
  29. Nigeria
  30. North Korea
  31. Peru
  32. People's Republic of China
  33. Poland
  34. Russia
  35. Rwanda
  36. Saudi Arabia
  37. Singapore
  38. South Africa
  39. South Korea
  40. Spain
  41. Sudan
  42. Sweden
  43. Switzerland
  44. Turkey
  45. Ukraine
  46. United Kingdom
  47. United States
  48. Vietnam


  1. Athens
  2. Bangkok
  3. Barcelona
  4. Beijing
  5. Belgrade
  6. Berlin
  7. Brussels
  8. Cairo
  9. Copenhagen
  10. Edinburgh
  11. Frankfurt
  12. Hanoi
  13. Hong Kong
  14. Istanbul
  15. Jakarta
  16. Jerusalem
  17. London
  18. Manila
  19. Madrid
  20. Mecca
  21. Mexico City
  22. Moscow
  23. Mumbai
  24. Munich
  25. Nairobi
  26. New Delhi
  27. New York City
  28. Paris
  29. Rio de Janeiro
  30. Rome
  31. Saint Petersburg
  32. Seoul
  33. Shanghai
  34. Singapore
  35. Stockholm
  36. Sydney
  37. Taipei
  38. Tokyo
  39. Toronto
  40. Vatican City
  41. Vienna
  42. Warsaw
  43. Washington, D.C.

Bodies of water

  1. Amazon River
  2. Aral Sea
  3. Arctic Ocean
  4. Atlantic Ocean
  5. Baltic Sea
  6. Black Sea
  7. Caspian Sea
  8. Dead Sea
  9. Great Barrier Reef
  10. Great Lakes
  11. Indian Ocean
  12. Lake Baikal
  13. Lake Tanganyika
  14. Lake Titicaca
  15. Lake Victoria
  16. Mediterranean Sea
  17. Mississippi River
  18. Niagara Falls
  19. Nile
  20. North Sea
  21. Pacific Ocean
  22. Panama Canal
  23. Suez Canal
  24. Southern Ocean

Mountains, valleys and deserts

  1. Alps
  2. Andes
  3. Grand Canyon
  4. Great Rift Valley
  5. Himalaya
  6. Mount Kilimanjaro
  7. Mount Everest
  8. Rocky Mountains
  9. Sahara


  1. Society
  2. Anthropology
  3. Civilization
  4. Community
  5. Demographics
  6. Education
  7. Psychology
  8. Sociology

Family and relationships

  1. Family
  2. Adult
  3. Boy
  4. Child
  5. Courtship
  6. Girl
  7. Infant
  8. Man
  9. Marriage
    1. Husband
    2. Wife
  10. Woman

Thought, behavior and emotion

  1. Consciousness
  2. Emotion
    1. Anger
    2. Fear
    3. Happiness
    4. Hate
    5. Love
    6. Sadness
  3. Mind
  4. Sleep
    1. Dream
  5. Thought


  1. Politics
  2. Anarchism
  3. Democracy
  4. Dictatorship
  5. Diplomacy
  6. Fascism
  7. Globalization
  8. Government
  9. Imperialism
  10. Liberalism
  11. Monarchy
  12. Nationalism
  13. Republic
  14. Separation of powers
  15. State
  16. Political party
  17. Theocracy

Business and economics

  1. Business
  2. Economics
    1. Macroeconomics
    2. Microeconomics
  3. Advertising
  4. Agriculture
  5. Capital
  6. Capitalism
  7. Communism
  8. Currency
    1. Euro
    2. Japanese yen
    3. Pound sterling
    4. Renminbi
    5. Rupee
    6. United States dollar
  9. Employment
  10. Finance
  11. Industry
    1. Manufacturing
    2. Mining
    3. Refining
  12. Market
  13. Money
  14. Socialism
  15. Supply and demand
  16. Tourism


  1. Law
  2. Crime
  3. Constitution
  4. Specific documents
    1. Magna Carta
    2. Leviathan (book)
    3. Republic (Plato)
    4. The Communist Manifesto

International organizations

  1. African Union
  2. Arab League
  3. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  4. Commonwealth of Independent States
  5. Commonwealth of Nations
  6. Council of Europe
  7. European Union
  8. Geneva Conventions
    1. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
  9. Interpol
  10. NATO
  11. Nobel Prize
  12. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  13. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
  14. Organization of American States
  15. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
  16. United Nations
    1. International Atomic Energy Agency
    2. International Court of Justice
    3. International Criminal Court
    4. International Monetary Fund
    5. UNESCO
    6. United Nations Children's Fund
    7. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    8. World Bank Group
    9. World Health Organization
    10. World Trade Organization

War and military

  1. Aerial warfare
  2. Military
    1. Army
      1. Artillery
      2. Cavalry
      3. Infantry
    2. Navy
  3. Peace
  4. War

Social issues

  1. Abortion
  2. Birth control
  3. Capital punishment
  4. Freedom
  5. Gender
  6. Human rights
  7. Racism
  8. Sexism
  9. Slavery
  10. World peace


At least three sentences on:

  1. Culture
  2. Art
    1. Comics
    2. Drawing
    3. Painting
    4. Sculpture
      1. Pottery
  3. Dance
  4. Fashion
  5. Theatre
    1. Broadway theatre
    2. Noh

Language and literature

  1. Language
  2. Alphabet
    1. Chinese character
    2. Cyrillic alphabet
    3. Greek alphabet
    4. Latin alphabet
    5. Letter
    6. Phoenician alphabet
  3. Book
  4. Dialect
  5. Grammar
    1. Noun
    2. Syntax
    3. Verb
  6. Linguistics
  7. Literacy
  8. Literature
    1. Fiction
    2. Novel
      1. Don Quixote
      2. The Book of One Thousand and One Nights
    3. Poetry
      1. Epic of Gilgamesh
      2. Iliad
      3. Mahabharata
      4. Odyssey
  9. Pronunciation
  10. Specific languages
    1. Arabic language
    2. Bengali language
    3. English language
    4. Esperanto
    5. French language
    6. German language
    7. Greek language
    8. Hebrew language
    9. Hindi
    10. Japanese language
    11. Latin
    12. Russian language
    13. Sanskrit
    14. Spanish language
    15. Chinese language
    16. Tamil language
    17. Turkish language
  11. Word
  12. Writing

Architecture and civil engineering

  1. Architecture
  2. Arch
  3. Bridge
  4. Canal
  5. Dam
  6. Dome
  7. House
  8. Nail (engineering)
  9. Specific structures
    1. Aswan Dam
    2. Great Wall of China
    3. Taj Mahal
  10. Pyramid
  11. Tower

Film, radio and television

  1. Film
    1. Animation
    2. Silent film
    3. Studio system
  2. Radio
  3. Television


  1. Music
  2. Compact disc
  3. Song
  4. Specific music genres
    1. Classical music
      1. Opera
      2. Symphony
    2. Folk music
      1. Gamelan
      2. Indian classical music
    3. Jazz
    4. Pop music
    5. Reggae
    6. Rhythm and blues
      1. Soul music
    7. Rock and roll
      1. Heavy metal music
  5. Specific musical instruments
    1. Drum
    2. Flute
    3. Guitar
    4. Piano
    5. String instrument
    6. Trumpet
    7. Violin


  1. Recreation
  2. Entertainment
  3. Game
    1. Backgammon
    2. Chess
    3. Draughts
    4. Go (board game)
    5. Mancala
    6. Playing card
  4. Gambling
  5. Leisure
  6. Martial arts
    1. Judo
  7. Olympic Games
  8. Party
  9. Sport
    1. American football
    2. Auto racing
      1. Formula One
    3. Badminton
    4. Baseball
    5. Basketball
    6. Cricket
    7. Fencing
    8. Football (soccer)
    9. Ice hockey
    10. Rugby football
    11. Tennis
    12. Volleyball
    13. Water polo
    14. Wrestling
    15. Athletics
  10. FIFA World Cup
  11. Toy


  1. Religion
  2. Astrology
  3. Deity
    1. God
  4. Festival
  5. Holiday
  6. Mythology
    1. Greek mythology
  7. Religious philosophies
    1. Agnosticism
    2. Atheism
    3. Fundamentalism
  8. Soul
  9. Specific religions
    1. Bahá'í Faith
      1. Báb
      2. Bahá'u'lláh
    2. Buddhism
      1. Gautama Buddha
    3. Christianity
      1. Bible
      2. Church
      3. Jesus
      4. Pope
      5. Protestantism
      6. Roman Catholic Church
      7. Trinity
    4. Confucianism
      1. Confucius
    5. Hinduism
      1. Bhadavad Gita
      2. Brahma
      3. Brahman
      4. Shiva
      5. Upanishad
      6. Veda
      7. Vedanta
      8. Vishnu
      9. Yoga
    6. Islam
      1. Ali
      2. Allah
      3. Mosque
      4. Muhammad
      5. Qur'an
      6. Shi'a Islam
      7. Sufism
      8. Sunni Islam
      9. Umar
    7. Jainism
    8. Judaism
      1. Abraham
      2. Moses
      3. Torah
      4. Talmud
    9. Shinto
    10. Sikhism
      1. Guru Nanak Dev
    11. Taoism
      1. Laozi
    12. Unitarianism
    13. Voodoo
    14. Zoroastrianism
      1. Zoroaster
  10. Spirituality


  1. Philosophy
    1. Eastern philosophy
    2. Western philosophy
  2. Aesthetics
  3. Beauty
  4. Ethics
  5. Existence
  6. Experience
  7. Feminism
  8. Free will
  9. Humanism
  10. Knowledge
  11. Logic
  12. Metaphysics
  13. Morality
  14. Reality
  15. Truth


At least a five-sentence introduction to the major fields.

  1. Science
  2. Scientific method


  1. Astronomy
  2. Asteroid
  3. Big Bang
  4. Black hole
  5. Comet
  6. Galaxy
    1. Milky Way
  7. Light year
  8. Moon
  9. Planet
    1. Earth
    2. Jupiter
    3. Mars
    4. Mercury
    5. Neptune
    6. Pluto
    7. Saturn
    8. Uranus
    9. Venus
  10. Solar system
  11. Star
    1. Sun
  12. Universe


  1. Biology
  2. Biological materials
    1. DNA
    2. Enzyme
    3. Protein
  3. Botany
  4. Death
    1. Suicide
  5. Ecology
    1. Endangered species
    2. Extinction
  6. Life
  7. Scientific classification
    1. Species

Biological processes

  1. Metabolism
    1. Digestion
      1. Excretion
    2. Photosynthesis
    3. Respiration (physiology)
  2. Evolution
    1. Human evolution
  3. Biological reproduction
    1. Asexual reproduction
    2. Sexual reproduction
      1. Heterosexuality
      2. Homosexuality
      3. Pregnancy
      4. Sex
        1. Female
        2. Male
      5. Sexual intercourse


  1. Anatomy
  2. Cell
  3. Circulatory system
    1. Blood
    2. Heart
  4. Endocrine system
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
    1. Large intestine
    2. Small intestine
    3. Liver
  6. Integumentary system
    1. Breast
    2. Skin
  7. Nervous system
    1. Brain
    2. Sensory system
      1. Auditory system
        1. Ear
      2. Gustatory system
      3. Olfactory system
      4. Somatosensory system
      5. Visual system
        1. Eye
  8. Reproductive system
    1. Penis
    2. Vagina
  9. Respiratory system
    1. Lung
  10. Skeleton

Health and medicine

  1. Medicine
  2. Addiction
    1. Alcoholism
      1. Cirrhosis
    2. Drug addiction
  3. Cancer
    1. Lung cancer
  4. Cholera
  5. Dentistry
  6. Diabetes mellitus
  7. Disability
    1. Blindness
    2. Hearing impairment
    3. Mental illness
  8. Disease
  9. Drugs
    1. Caffeine
    2. Cannabis
    3. Cocaine
    4. Ethanol
    5. Nicotine
      1. Tobacco
    6. Opium
  10. Dysentery
  11. Health
  12. Heart disease
  13. Hypertension
  14. Malaria
  15. Malnutrition
  16. Obesity
  17. Pneumonia
  18. Sexually transmitted disease
    1. AIDS
    2. Syphilis
  19. Stroke
  20. Tuberculosis
  21. Virus
    1. Influenza
      1. H5N1
    2. Smallpox


  1. Organism
  2. Animal
    1. Arthropod
      1. Insect
        1. Ant
        2. Bee
        3. Butterfly
      2. Arachnid
    2. Chordate
      1. Amphibian
        1. Frog
      2. Bird
        1. Dove
        2. Eagle
      3. Fish
        1. Shark
      4. Mammal
        1. Ape
          1. Human
        2. Bat
        3. Bear
        4. Camel
        5. Cat
        6. Cattle
        7. Dog
        8. Dolphin
        9. Elephant
          1. Mammoth
        10. Horse
        11. Sheep
        12. Lion
        13. Pig
        14. Whale
      5. Reptile
        1. Dinosaur
        2. Snake
  3. Archaea
  4. Bacteria
  5. Fungus
  6. Plant
    1. Flower
    2. Tree
  7. Protist


  1. Chemistry
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Chemical compound
    1. Acid
    2. Base (chemistry)
    3. Salt
  4. Chemical element
    1. List of elements
    2. Periodic table
    3. Aluminium
    4. Carbon
    5. Copper
    6. Gold
    7. Helium
    8. Hydrogen
    9. Iron
    10. Lithium
    11. Neon
    12. Nitrogen
    13. Oxygen
    14. Silver
    15. Tin
    16. Zinc
  5. Metal
    1. Alloy
      1. Brass
      2. Bronze
      3. Steel
  6. Organic chemistry
    1. Alcohol
    2. Carbohydrate
    3. Hormone
    4. Lipid
  7. Phase (matter)
    1. Gas
    2. Liquid
    3. Plasma
    4. Solid

Weather, climate and geology

  1. Avalanche
  2. Climate
    1. ENSO
    2. Global warming
  3. Earthquake
  4. Geology
    1. Mineral
      1. Bronze
      2. Diamond
      3. Limestone
    2. Plate tectonics
    3. Rock
      1. Basalt
      2. Flint
  5. Natural disaster
  6. Volcano
  7. Weather
    1. Cloud
    2. Flood
      1. Tsunami
    3. Rain
      1. Acid rain
      2. Snow
    4. Tornado
    5. Tropical cyclone


  1. Physics
  2. Acceleration
  3. Atom
    1. Electron
    2. Neutron
    3. Proton
  4. Energy
    1. Electromagnetic radiation
      1. Infrared
      2. Visual spectrum
        1. Black
        2. Color
          1. Blue
          2. Green
          3. Red
          4. Yellow
        3. White
      3. Ultraviolet
      4. Gamma ray
  5. Force
    1. Electromagnetism
    2. Gravitation
    3. Nuclear force
  6. Isotope
  7. Light
  8. Mass
  9. Molecule
  10. Quantum mechanics
  11. Sound
  12. Speed
  13. Theory of relativity
  14. Time
  15. Velocity
  16. Weight


  1. Calendar
    1. Chinese calendar
    2. Gregorian calendar
  2. Day
  3. Month
    1. January
    2. February
    3. March
    4. April
    5. May
    6. June
    7. July
    8. August
    9. September
    10. October
    11. November
    12. December
  4. Time zone
    1. Daylight saving time
  5. Week
  6. Year
    1. Leap year


  1. Technology
  2. Biotechnology
  3. Clothing
    1. Cotton
  4. Coinage
  5. Engineering
    1. Inclined plane
    2. Lever
    3. Pulley
    4. Screw
    5. Wedge
    6. Wheel
  6. Irrigation
    1. Plough
  7. Knife
  8. Metallurgy
  9. Nanotechnology


  1. Communication
  2. Information
  3. Journalism
    1. Newspaper
    2. Mass media
  4. Printing
  5. Railroad
  6. Telegraph
  7. Telephone
    1. Mobile telephone


  1. Electronics
    1. Capacitance
    2. Gain
    3. Charge
    4. Current (electricity)
    5. Electrical resistance
    6. Frequency
    7. Inductance
    8. Reactance
  2. Components
    1. Capacitor
    2. Inductor
    3. Transistor
    4. Diode
    5. Resistor
    6. Transformer

Computers and Internet

  1. Computer
    1. Boot loader
    2. Hard disk
    3. Motherboard
    4. Processor
    5. RAM
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Computer science
    1. Algorithm
  4. Information technology
  5. Internet
    1. E-mail
    2. Internet protocol
    3. TCP
    4. World Wide Web
      1. Web browser
    5. HTTP
    6. HTML
  6. Operating system
    1. BSD
    2. Linux
    3. Mac OS
    4. Microsoft Windows
    5. Unix
  7. Programming language
    1. BASIC
    2. C++
    3. Java programming language
    4. PHP
  8. Software
  9. User interface
    1. Keyboard
    2. Monitor
    3. Mouse (computing)

Raw materials and energy

  1. Electricity
    1. Nuclear power
  2. Fossil fuel
    1. Coal
    2. Gas
    3. Oil
  3. Fire
  4. Internal combustion engine
  5. Renewable energy
    1. Hydropower
    2. Solar power
    3. Wind power
  6. Glass
  7. Paper
  8. Plastic
  9. Steam engine
  10. Wood


  1. Transport
  2. Aircraft
  3. Automobile
  4. Bicycle
  5. Boat
  6. Ship
  7. Train


  1. Weapon
  2. Axe
  3. Explosive material
    1. Gunpowder
  4. Firearm
  5. Machine gun
  6. Nuclear weapon
  7. Sword
  8. Tank


  1. Food
  2. Bread
  3. Cereal
    1. Barley
    2. Maize
    3. Oat
    4. Rice
    5. Sorghum
    6. Wheat
  4. Cheese
  5. Chocolate
  6. Honey
  7. Fruit
    1. Apple
    2. Banana
    3. Grape
    4. Legume
      1. Soybean
    5. Lemon
    6. Nut (fruit)
    7. Orange (fruit)
  8. Meat
  9. Sugar
  10. Vegetable
    1. Potato


  1. Alcoholic beverage
    1. Beer
    2. Wine
  2. Cola
  3. Coffee
  4. Milk
  5. Tea
  6. Water


  1. Mathematics
  2. Algebra
  3. Arithmetic
  4. Axiom
  5. Calculus
    1. Differentiation
    2. Integration
  6. Geometry
    1. Circle
      1. Pi
    2. Square
    3. Triangle
  7. Group theory
  8. Mathematical logic
  9. Mathematical proof
    1. Mathematical induction
    2. Reductio ad absurdum
  10. Number
    1. Complex number
    2. Integer
    3. Natural number
    4. Prime number
    5. Rational number
  11. Infinity
  12. Set theory
  13. Statistics
  14. Trigonometry

Отверка и мерощницы

  1. Отверка
  2. СИ
  3. Тышшопасма
  4. Полага
  5. Юнда
  6. Нютонник
  7. Вольтовник
  8. Ваттовник