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*>Yaroslav Zolotaryov
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[[Test-WP/chal |Головна сторонка]]
Столмачено с английской:
== Жытебайки==
=== Игрецы, плясуны да колыбки ===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Марлон Брандов|Марлон Брандов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Чарля Чаплин|Чарля Чаплин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Марлуха Дитрихова|Марлуха Дитрихова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маня Монрова|Маня Монрова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ванька Вейнов|Ванька Вейнов]]
=== Боляны и зодчии===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Паша Сезанников|Паша Сезанников]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ле Корбюзье|Ле Корбюзье]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Сальвадор Далиев|Сальвадор Далиев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Альбреха Дюреров|Альбреха Дюреров]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Винсен ван Гог|Винсен ван Гог]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Францыско Гоя|Францыско Гоя]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Хогаров|Вилька Хогаров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Хокусай|Хокусай]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фрида Калова|Фрида Калова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едвар Манейкин|Едвар Манейкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Андрюха Матискин|Андрюха Матискин]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Михайла Ангельской|Михайла Ангельской]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Клод Монейкин|Клод Монейкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жоржа О-Книфов|Жоржа О-Книфов]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Паша Пикассо|Паша Пикассо]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жексон Поллок|Жексон Поллок]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Никола Пуссен|Никола Пуссен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Рафаель|Рафаель]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Рембрантов|Рембрантов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Авгус Родин|Авгус Родин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Людя-Мес ван-Ровской|Людя-Мес ван-Ровской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Димитрий Веласкесов|Димитрий Веласкесов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ванька Вермееров|Ванька Вермееров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Витрувич|Витрувич]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Енди Вархол|Енди Вархол]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Христофер Врен|Христофер Врен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Франк Ллойд Райт|Франк Ллойд Райт]]
=== Баюны, жужыгописаки, и вершуны ===
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Данька Алигерков|Данька Алигерков]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ганс Християн Андерсен|Ганс Християн Андерсен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Аристофаныч|Аристофаныч]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Исак Азимов|Исак Азимов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Женя Остен|Женя Остен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Блейк|Вилька Блейк]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Бертолька Брехтов|Бертолька Брехтов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Кнезь Байрон|Кнезь Байрон]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Михайло Сервантес|Михайло Сервантес]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Тоша Чехов|Тоша Чехов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Емелька Дикинсон|Емелька Дикинсон]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Федя Достоевской|Федя Достоевской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Артуша Конан Дойль|Артуша Конан Дойль]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ду Фу|Ду Фу]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лександор Дюма|Лександор Дюма]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Скот Фицжеральдов|Скотт Фицжеральдов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Браты Гриммовы|Браты Гриммовы]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Дашелька Хаметтов|Дашелька Хамметов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Натан Хавторнов|Натан Хавторнов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ернес Хемингваев|Ернес Хемингваев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Хильдегар Бингеновской|Хильдегар Бингеновской]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Хомерыч|Хомерыч]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Витька Гюговской|Витька Гюговской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ланстон Хуесков|Ланстон Хуесков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Герка Ибсен|Герка Ибсен]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жемка Жойсов|Жемка Жойсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Франц Кафкин|Франц Кафкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ли Бай|Ли Бай]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Звьоздина Лингренова|Звьоздина Лингренова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фома Маннов|Фома Маннов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Мацуво Басьо|Мацуво Басьо]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Една Святовинсентовска Миллейкина| Една Святовинсентовска Миллейкина]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Артуша Миллеров|Артуша Миллеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Моллер|Моллер]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Мурасаки Шикибу|Мурасаки Шикибу]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Паша Нерудов|Паша Нерудов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едгар-Аллан Повской|Едгар-Аллан Повской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Марселька Прустов|Марселька Прустов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лександор Пушкин|Лександор Пушкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Рейнер-Маня Рилькин|Рейнер-Маня Рилькин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Карлуша Сенбургов|Карлуша Сенбургов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Сапфонька|Сапфонька]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ванька-Паша Сартров|Ванька-Паша Сартров]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Шейкспирской|Вилька Шейкспирской]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жорка-Бернар Шовской|Жорка-Бернар Шовской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маня Шеллина|Маня Шеллина]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Софоклыч|Софоклыч]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Робя-Льоня Стевенсонов|Робя-Льоня Стевенсонов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ж.Р.Р. Толкиенов|Ж.Р.Р. Толкиенов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Льова Толстой|Льова Толстой]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маркуша Твейнов|Маркуша Твейнов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Юлий Вернов|Юлий Вернов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Виргилич|Виргилич]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Х.Г. Велсов|Х.Г. Велсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вольтя Витменов|Вольтя Витменов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Воська Вальдов|Воська Вальдов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька-Батлер Итцов|Вилька-Батлер Итцов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Зеами Мотокийо|Зеами Мотокийо]]
=== Сослогальники и леполадники===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня-Себастя Бахов|Ваня-Себастя Бахов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Бухарки|Бухарки]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Людя Бетховенов|Людя Бетховенов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Федя Шопенов|Федя Шопенов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Антоха Дворяков|Антоха Дворяков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Арезя Франклинова|Арезя Франклинова]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едвар Григов|Едвар Григов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Густя Малеров|Густя Малеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Клавдий Чорнозельонов|Клавдий Чорнозельонов]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Волька-Амадей Моцартов|Волька-Амадей Моцартов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Елька Преслев|Елька Преслев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня Сибелиев|Ваня Сибелиев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ричар Вагнеров|Ричар Вагнеров]]
=== Первопроходцы===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Роваль Амудсенов|Роваль Амудсенов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Нил Армстронгов|Нил Армстронгов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Баренцов|Вилька Баренцов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Витя Беренгов|Витя Беренгов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Яков Картеров|Яков Картеров]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Христофор Колумбов|Христофор Колумбов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жемка Куков|Жемка Куков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ернан Кортесов|Ернан Кортесов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Францыско Дрейков|Фрнацыско Дрейков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня-Себастя Ельканин|Ваня-Себастя Ельканин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лейф Ериксонов| Лейф Ериксонов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вася из Гамы|Вася из Гамы]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Юрка Гагарин|Юрка Гагарин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едмун Хилларев|Едмун Хилларев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фердинан Магелланов|Фердинан Магелланов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Тенцын Норгаев|Тенцы Норгаев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маркуша Полов|Маркуша Полов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Авель Тасманов|Авель Тасманов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жен Хе|Жен Хе]]
=== Жывошны захиралы и жывкописаки ===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Инмар Бергманов|Инмар Бергманов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вольтя Диснеев|Вольтя Диснеев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Серьожа Ейнштейнов|Серьожа Ейнштейнов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Альфред Хичкоков|Альфред Хичкоков]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Акира Куросава|Акира Куросава]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фриц Лангов|Фриц Лангов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жорка Лукасов|Жорка Лукасов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Франц Марьонов|Франц Марьонов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Льоня Рифеншталев|Льоня Рифеншталев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Мартин Скорсезов|Мартин Скорсезов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Стивен Спилбергов|Стивен Спилбергов]]
=== Выдумшыки, ведовники и числознайки===
# [[Test-wp/chal/Магомед Мусаевич Хорезмийской|Магомед Мусаевич Хорезмийской]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Архимедыч|Архимедыч]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня-Ложа Бердов|Ваня-Ложа Бердов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лександор-Грем Беллов|Лександро-Грем Беллов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Карлуша Бенцов|Карлуша Бенцов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Мотя Бернер-Лийкин|Мотя Бернер-Лийкин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Нилька Боров|Нилька Боров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Тишка Брагин|Тишка Брагин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Рахель Карсонов|Рахель Карсонов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Никола Коперников|Никола Коперников]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Маня Курина|Маня Курина]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Карлуха Дарвинов|Карлуха Дарвинов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Фома Едисонов|Фома Едисонов]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Альберт Ейнштейнов|Альберт Ейнштейнов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Льоня Евлер|Льоня Евлер]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Енрико Фермиев|Енрико Фермиев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ричар Фейнманов|Ричар Фейнманов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лександор Флемин|Лександор Флемин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Андрюха Фордов|Андрюха Фордов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Восип Фурьеров|Восип Фурьеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Букминстя Фуллеров|Букминстя Фуллеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Казя Функов|Казя Функов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Галилев Галилеев|Галилев Галилеев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька Гейцов|Вилька Гейцов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Карлуша-Фридрих Гавуссов|Карлуша-Фридрих Гавуссов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Курт Гьоделев|Курт Гьоделев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня Гутенбергов|Ваня Гутенбергов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Давид Хильбертов|Давид Хильбертов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Християн Хуйгенсов|Християн Хуйгенсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Хипатовна Лександийска|Хипатовна Лександрийска]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Едвар Женнеров|Едвар Женнеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Стьопа Жобсов|Стьопа Жобсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня Кеплеров|Ваня Кеплеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваня-Майнар Кейнсов|Ваня-Майнар Кейнсов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Дональд Кнутов|Дональд Кнутов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Петя-Семьон Лапласов|Петя-Семьон Лапласов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Готя Лейбницев|Готя Лейбницев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Карлуша Линнеев|Карлуша Линнеев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Игнат Лукашевич|Игнат Лукашевич]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Жемс-Клерк Максвеллов|Жемс-Клерк Максвеллов]]
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Исак Ньютонов|Исак Ньютонов]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/Альфред Нобелев|Альфред Нобелев]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ханс-Христьян Йорстедов|Ханс-Христьян Йорстедов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Людя Пастьоров|Людя Пастьоров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Данька Ритчин|Данька Ритчин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Волег Рьомеров|Волег Рьомеров]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вилька-Конрад Рьонтгенов|Вилька-Конрад Рьонтгенов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Беня Риманнов|Беня Риманнов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ернес Рузерфордов|Ернес Рузерфордов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ричар Сталманов|Ричар Сталманов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Никола Теслин|Никола Теслин]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Лин Торвальдов|Лин Торвальдов]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Алан Турингов|Алан Турингов]]
# [[en:Leonardo da Vinci|Leonardo da Vinci]]
# [[en:Wright brothers|Wright brothers]]
=== Social scientists (philosophers, economists, historians and thinkers) ===
# [[en:Thomas Aquinas|Thomas Aquinas]]
# '''[[en:Aristotle|Aristotle]]'''
# [[en:Augustine of Hippo|Augustine of Hippo]]
# [[en:Averroes|Averroes]]
# [[en:Simone de Beauvoir|Simone de Beauvoir]]
# [[en:René Descartes|René Descartes]]
# [[en:Émile Durkheim|Émile Durkheim]]
# [[en:Ralph Waldo Emerson|Ralph Waldo Emerson]]
# [[en:Michel Foucault|Michel Foucault]]
# '''[[en:Sigmund Freud|Sigmund Freud]]'''
# [[en:Edward Gibbon|Edward Gibbon]]
# [[en:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe|Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]]
# [[en:Germaine Greer|Germaine Greer]]
# [[en:Herodotus|Herodotus]]
# [[en:Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel|Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel]]
# [[en:Hippocrates|Hippocrates]]
# [[en:Immanuel Kant|Immanuel Kant]]
# [[en:Martin Luther|Martin Luther]]
# [[en:Rosa Luxemburg|Rosa Luxemburg]]
# [[en:Søren Kierkegaard|Søren Kierkegaard]]
# [[en:Martin Luther King, Jr.|Martin Luther King, Jr.]]
# [[en:Niccolò Machiavelli|Niccolò Machiavelli]]
# '''[[en:Karl Marx|Karl Marx]]'''
# [[en:Nagarjuna|Nagarjuna]]
# [[en:Friedrich Nietzsche|Friedrich Nietzsche]]
# [[en:Thomas Paine|Thomas Paine]]
# '''[[en:Plato|Plato]]'''
# [[en:Pythagoras|Pythagoras]]
# [[en:Sima Qian|Sima Qian]]
# [[en:Stein Rokkan|Stein Rokkan]]
# [[en:Jean-Jacques Rousseau|Jean-Jacques Rousseau]]
# [[en:Bertrand Russell|Bertrand Russell]]
# [[en:Adam Smith|Adam Smith]]
# [[en:Socrates|Socrates]]
# [[en:Sun Tzu|Sun Tzu]]
# [[en:Thales|Thales]]
# [[en:Voltaire|Voltaire]]
# [[en:Max Weber|Max Weber]]
=== Politicans, leaders and aristocrats ===
# [[en:Akbar|Akbar]]
# [[en:Alexander the Great|Alexander the Great]]
# [[en:Kofi Annan|Kofi Annan]]
# [[en:Kemal Atatürk|Kemal Atatürk]]
# [[en:Attila the Hun|Attila the Hun]]
# [[en:Augustus|Augustus]]
# [[en:Hastings Banda|Hastings Banda]]
# [[en:Pope Benedict XVI|Pope Benedict XVI]]
# [[en:Silvio Berlusconi|Silvio Berlusconi]]
# [[en:Otto von Bismarck|Otto von Bismarck]]
# [[en:Tony Blair|Tony Blair]]
# [[en:Simón Bolívar|Simón Bolívar]]
# [[en:Napoleon I of France|Napoleon I of France]]
# [[en:Lucrezia Borgia|Lucrezia Borgia]]
# [[en:Gro Harlem Brundtland|Gro Harlem Brundtland]]
# '''[[en:George W. Bush|George W. Bush]]'''
# [[en:Fidel Castro|Fidel Castro]]
# [[en:Catherine II of Russia|Catherine II of Russia]]
# [[en:Charlemagne|Charlemagne]]
# [[en:Jacques Chirac|Jacques Chirac]]
# [[en:Empress Dowager Cixi|Empress Dowager Cixi]]
# [[en:Winston Churchill|Winston Churchill]]
# [[en:Cleopatra VII of Egypt|Cleopatra VII of Egypt]]
# [[en:Diana, Princess of Wales|Diana, Princess of Wales]]
# [[en:Indira Gandhi|Indira Gandhi]]
# [[en:Constantine I (emperor)|Constantine I (emperor)]]
# [[en:Elizabeth I of England|Elizabeth I of England]]
# [[en:Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom|Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom]]
# [[en:Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria|Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria]]
# [[en:Charles de Gaulle|Charles de Gaulle]]
# [[en:Mikhail Gorbachev|Mikhail Gorbachev]]
# [[en:Hammurabi|Hammurabi]]
# [[en:Hannibal|Hannibal]]
# [[en:Hirohito|Hirohito]]
# '''[[en:Adolf Hitler|Adolf Hitler]]'''
# [[en:Thomas Jefferson|Thomas Jefferson]]
# [[en:Pope John Paul II|Pope John Paul II]]
# [[en:Julius Caesar|Julius Caesar]]
# [[en:Genghis Khan|Genghis Khan]]
# [[en:Lee Kuan Yew|Lee Kuan Yew]]
# '''[[en:Vladimir Lenin|Vladimir Lenin]]'''
# [[en:Abraham Lincoln|Abraham Lincoln]]
# [[en:Nelson Mandela|Nelson Mandela]]
# [[en:Mao Zedong|Mao Zedong]]
# [[en:Maria Theresa of Austria|Maria Theresa of Austria]]
# [[en:Mary I of Scotland|Mary I of Scotland]]
# [[en:Golda Meir|Golda Meir]]
# [[en:Christian Michelsen|Christian Michelsen]]
# [[en:Mahathir bin Mohamad|Mahathir bin Mohamad]]
# [[en:Benito Mussolini|Benito Mussolini]]
# [[en:Nefertiti|Nefertiti]]
# [[en:Kwame Nkrumah|Kwame Nkrumah]]
# [[en:Eva Perón|Eva Perón]]
# [[en:Peter I of Russia|Peter I of Russia]]
# [[en:Józef Piłsudski|Józef Piłsudski]]
# [[en:Pol Pot|Pol Pot]]
# [[en:Vladimir Putin|Vladimir Putin]]
# [[en:Qin Shi Huang|Qin Shi Huang]]
# [[en:Eleanor Roosevelt|Eleanor Roosevelt]]
# [[en:Franklin D. Roosevelt|Franklin D. Roosevelt]]
# [[en:Saladin|Saladin]]
# [[en:Gerhard Schröder|Gerhard Schröder]]
# [[en:Semiramis|Semiramis]]
# [[en:Shaka|Shaka Zulu]]
# [[en:Queen of Sheba|Queen of Sheba]]
# [[en:Sitting Bull|Sitting Bull]]
# [[en:Joseph Stalin|Joseph Stalin]]
# [[en:Margaret Thatcher|Margaret Thatcher]]
# [[en:Timur|Timur]]
# [[en:Leon Trotsky|Leon Trotsky]]
# [[en:Harry S. Truman|Harry S. Truman]]
# [[en:Victoria of the United Kingdom|Victoria of the United Kingdom]]
# [[en:Lech Wałęsa|Lech Wałęsa]]
# [[en:George Washington|George Washington]]
# [[en:Wilhelm II of Germany|Wilhelm II of Germany]]
=== Revolutionaries and activists ===
# [[en:Joan of Arc|Joan of Arc]]
# [[en:Mahatma Gandhi|Mahatma Gandhi]]
# [[en:Emma Goldman|Emma Goldman]]
# [[en:Che Guevara|Che Guevara]]
# [[en:Mother Jones|Mother Jones]]
# [[en:Helen Keller|Helen Keller]]
# [[en:Ho Chi Minh|Ho Chi Minh]]
# [[en:Osama bin Laden|Osama bin Laden]]
# [[en:Florence Nightingale|Florence Nightingale]]
# [[en:Rosa Parks|Rosa Parks]]
# [[en:Emilia Plater|Emilia Plater]]
# [[en:Gavrilo Princip|Gavrilo Princip]]
# [[en:Mother Teresa|Mother Teresa]]
# [[en:Sojourner Truth|Sojourner Truth]]
# [[en:Harriet Tubman|Harriet Tubman]]
== History ==
This section is for events and periods in human history and prehistory. At least five sentences on:
# '''[[en:History|History]]'''
# [[en:History of the world|History of the world]]
=== Prehistory and ancient world ===
# [[en:Ancient Egypt|Ancient Egypt]]
# [[en:Ancient Greece|Ancient Greece]]
# [[en:Ancient Rome|Ancient Rome]]
# [[en:Archaeology|Archaeology]]
# [[en:Bronze Age|Bronze Age]]
# [[en:Byzantine Empire|Byzantine Empire]]
# [[en:Han Dynasty|Han Dynasty]]
# [[en:Human evolution|Human evolution]]
# [[en:Indus Valley Civilization|Indus Valley Civilization]]
# [[en:Maya civilization|Maya civilization]]
# [[en:Iron Age|Iron Age]]
# [[en:Macedon|Macedonian Empire]]
# [[en:Mesoamerica|Mesoamerica]]
# [[en:Prehistory|Prehistory]]
# [[en:Seljuk Turks|Seljuk Empire]]
# [[en:Stone Age|Stone Age]]
# [[en:Sumer|Sumer]]
=== Middle Ages and Renaissance ===
# [[en:Age of Enlightenment|Age of Enlightenment]]
# [[en:American Revolutionary War|American Revolutionary War]]
# [[en:Aztec|Aztec]]
# [[en:Black Death|Black Death]]
# [[en:Counter-Reformation|Counter-Reformation]]
# [[en:Crusade|Crusades]]
# [[en:East-West Schism|East-West Schism]]
# [[en:Eighty Years' War|Eighty Years' War]]
# [[en:English Civil War|English Civil War]]
# [[en:European colonization of the Americas|European colonization of the Americas]]
# [[en:French Revolution|French Revolution]]
# [[en:Holy Roman Empire|Holy Roman Empire]]
# [[en:Inca Empire|Inca Empire]]
# [[en:Middle Ages|Middle Ages]]
# [[en:Ming Dynasty|Ming Dynasty]]
# [[en:Napoleonic Wars|Napoleonic Wars]]
# [[en:Ottoman Empire|Ottoman Empire]]
# [[en:Partitions of Poland|Partitions of Poland]]
# [[en:Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth|Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth]]
# [[en:Protestant Reformation|Protestant Reformation]]
# [[en:Renaissance|Renaissance]]
# [[en:Song Dynasty|Song Dynasty]]
# [[en:Spanish Inquisition|Spanish Inquisition]]
# [[en:Tang Dynasty|Tang Dynasty]]
# [[en:Viking|Vikings]]
# [[en:Yuan Dynasty|Yuan Dynasty]]
===Industrial age===
# [[en:1973 oil crisis|1973 oil crisis]]
# [[en:American Civil War|American Civil War]]
# [[en:History of South Africa in the apartheid era|Apartheid]]
# [[en:British Empire|British Empire]]
# '''[[en:Cold War|Cold War]]'''
# [[en:Decolonization|Decolonization]]
# [[en:Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel|Establishment of the State of Israel]]
# [[en:History of the Soviet Union (1985-1991)|Dissolution of the Soviet Union]]
# [[en:Franco-Prussian War|Franco-Prussian War]]
# [[en:German reunification|German reunification]]
# [[en:Unification of Germany|German unification]]
# [[en:Great Depression|Great Depression]]
# [[en:Gulf War|Gulf War]]
# [[en:The Holocaust|The Holocaust]]
# '''[[en:Industrial Revolution|Industrial Revolution]]'''
# [[en:Iranian Revolution|Iranian Revolution]]
# [[en:Italian unification|Italian unification]]
# [[en:Korean War|Korean War]]
# [[en:Meiji Restoration|Meiji Restoration]]
# [[en:Nazi Germany|Nazi Germany]]
# [[en:Polish-Soviet War|Polish-Soviet War]]
# [[en:Qing Dynasty|Qing Dynasty]]
# [[en:Reunification of Germany|Reunification of Germany]]
# [[en:Russian Civil War|Russian Civil War]]
# [[en:Russian Revolution of 1917|Russian Revolution of 1917]]
# [[en:Scramble for Africa|Scramble for Africa]]
# [[en:Solidarity|Solidarity]]
# [[en:Soviet war in Afghanistan|Soviet war in Afghanistan]]
# [[en:Space exploration|Space exploration]]
# [[en:Spanish Civil War|Spanish Civil War]]
# [[en:Treaty of Versailles|Treaty of Versailles]]
# [[en:Vietnam War|Vietnam War]]
# '''[[en:World War I|World War I]]'''
# '''[[en:World War II|World War II]]'''
== Geography ==
This section is for geographical concepts and for specific places.
# '''[[en:Geography|Geography]]'''
# [[en:Capital|Capital]]
# '''[[en:City|City]]'''
# '''[[en:Continent|Continent]]'''
# '''[[en:Country|Country]]'''
# [[en:Desert|Desert]]
# [[en:Earth science|Earth science]]
# [[en:Map|Map]]
# [[en:North Pole|North Pole]]
# '''[[en:Ocean|Ocean]]'''
# [[en:Rainforest|Rainforest]]
# [[en:River|River]]
# [[en:Sea|Sea]]
# [[en:South Pole|South Pole]]
=== Continents and major regions ===
At least three sentences on each.
# '''[[en:Africa|Africa]]'''
# '''[[en:Antarctica|Antarctica]]'''
# '''[[en:Asia|Asia]]'''
# '''[[en:Europe|Europe]]'''
# [[en:Latin America|Latin America]]
# [[en:Middle East|Middle East]]
# '''[[en:North America|North America]]'''
# '''[[en:Oceania|Oceania]]'''
# '''[[en:South America|South America]]'''
=== Countries ===
Eventually, there should be articles on most or all of the 243 countries listed at [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries]. However, for the smaller Wikipedias, some of the more high-priority countries to have articles on are:
# [[en:Afghanistan|Afghanistan]]
# '''[[en:Australia|Australia]]'''
# [[en:Austria|Austria]]
# [[en:Bangladesh|Bangladesh]]
# '''[[en:Brazil|Brazil]]'''
# '''[[en:Canada|Canada]]'''
# [[en:Cuba|Cuba]]
# [[en:Democratic Republic of the Congo|Democratic Republic of the Congo]]
# [[en:Egypt|Egypt]]
# [[en:Ethiopia|Ethiopia]]
# '''[[en:France|France]]'''
# '''[[en:Germany|Germany]]'''
# [[en:Greece|Greece]]
# '''[[en:India|India]]'''
# '''[[en:Indonesia|Indonesia]]'''
# '''[[en:Iran|Iran]]'''
# '''[[en:Iraq|Iraq]]'''
# '''[[en:Israel|Israel]]'''
# [[en:Italy|Italy]]
# '''[[en:Japan|Japan]]'''
# [[en:Kazakhstan|Kazakhstan]]
# [[en:Libya|Libya]]
# [[en:Mexico|Mexico]]
# [[en:Monaco|Monaco]]
# [[en:Mongolia|Mongolia]]
# [[en:Nepal|Nepal]]
# [[en:Netherlands|Netherlands]]
# [[en:Niger|Niger]]
# [[en:Nigeria|Nigeria]]
# [[en:North Korea|North Korea]]
# [[en:Peru|Peru]]
# '''[[en:People's Republic of China|People's Republic of China]]'''
# [[en:Poland|Poland]]
# '''[[en:Russia|Russia]]'''
# [[en:Rwanda|Rwanda]]
# [[en:Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia]]
# [[en:Singapore|Singapore]]
# [[en:South Africa|South Africa]]
# [[en:South Korea|South Korea]]
# '''[[en:Spain|Spain]]'''
# [[en:Sudan|Sudan]]
# [[en:Sweden|Sweden]]
# [[en:Switzerland|Switzerland]]
# [[en:Turkey|Turkey]]
# [[en:Ukraine|Ukraine]]
# '''[[en:United Kingdom|United Kingdom]]'''
# '''[[en:United States|United States]]'''
# [[en:Vietnam|Vietnam]]
=== Cities ===
# [[en:Athens|Athens]]
# [[en:Bangkok|Bangkok]]
# [[en:Barcelona|Barcelona]]
# [[en:Beijing|Beijing]]
# [[en:Belgrade|Belgrade]]
# [[en:Berlin|Berlin]]
# [[en:Brussels|Brussels]]
# [[en:Cairo|Cairo]]
# [[en:Copenhagen|Copenhagen]]
# [[en:Edinburgh|Edinburgh]]
# [[en:Frankfurt|Frankfurt]]
# [[en:Hanoi|Hanoi]]
# '''[[en:Hong Kong|Hong Kong]]'''
# [[en:Istanbul|Istanbul]]
# [[en:Jakarta|Jakarta]]
# '''[[en:Jerusalem|Jerusalem]]'''
# '''[[en:London|London]]'''
# [[en:Manila|Manila]]
# [[en:Madrid|Madrid]]
# [[en:Mecca|Mecca]]
# [[en:Mexico City|Mexico City]]
# [[en:Moscow|Moscow]]
# [[en:Mumbai|Mumbai]]
# [[en:Munich|Munich]]
# [[en:Nairobi|Nairobi]]
# [[en:New Delhi|New Delhi]]
# '''[[en:New York City|New York City]]'''
# '''[[en:Paris|Paris]]'''
# [[en:Rio de Janeiro|Rio de Janeiro]]
# '''[[en:Rome|Rome]]'''
# [[en:Saint Petersburg|Saint Petersburg]]
# [[en:Seoul|Seoul]]
# [[en:Shanghai|Shanghai]]
# [[en:Singapore|Singapore]]
# [[en:Stockholm|Stockholm]]
# [[en:Sydney|Sydney]]
# [[en:Taipei|Taipei]]
# '''[[en:Tokyo|Tokyo]]'''
# [[en:Toronto|Toronto]]
# [[en:Vatican City|Vatican City]]
# [[en:Vienna|Vienna]]
# [[en:Warsaw|Warsaw]]
# [[en:Washington, D.C.|Washington, D.C.]]
=== Bodies of water ===
# [[en:Amazon River|Amazon River]]
# [[en:Aral Sea|Aral Sea]]
# [[en:Arctic Ocean|Arctic Ocean]]
# '''[[en:Atlantic Ocean|Atlantic Ocean]]'''
# [[en:Baltic Sea|Baltic Sea]]
# [[en:Black Sea|Black Sea]]
# [[en:Caspian Sea|Caspian Sea]]
# [[en:Dead Sea|Dead Sea]]
# [[en:Great Barrier Reef|Great Barrier Reef]]
# [[en:Great Lakes|Great Lakes]]
# '''[[en:Indian Ocean|Indian Ocean]]'''
# [[en:Lake Baikal|Lake Baikal]]
# [[en:Lake Tanganyika|Lake Tanganyika]]
# [[en:Lake Titicaca|Lake Titicaca]]
# [[en:Lake Victoria|Lake Victoria]]
# [[en:Mediterranean Sea|Mediterranean Sea]]
# [[en:Mississippi River|Mississippi River]]
# [[en:Niagara Falls|Niagara Falls]]
# '''[[en:Nile|Nile]]'''
# [[en:North Sea|North Sea]]
# '''[[en:Pacific Ocean|Pacific Ocean]]'''
# [[en:Panama Canal|Panama Canal]]
# [[en:Suez Canal|Suez Canal]]
# [[en:Southern Ocean|Southern Ocean]]
=== Mountains, valleys and deserts ===
# [[en:Alps|Alps]]
# [[en:Andes|Andes]]
# [[en:Grand Canyon|Grand Canyon]]
# [[en:Great Rift Valley|Great Rift Valley]]
# '''[[en:Himalaya|Himalaya]]'''
# [[en:Mount Kilimanjaro|Mount Kilimanjaro]]
# [[en:Mount Everest|Mount Everest]]
# [[en:Rocky Mountains|Rocky Mountains]]
# '''[[en:Sahara|Sahara]]'''
== Society ==
# '''[[en:Society|Society]]'''
# [[en:Anthropology|Anthropology]]
# [[en:Civilization|Civilization]]
# [[en:Community|Community]]
# [[en:Demographics|Demographics]]
# '''[[en:Education|Education]]'''
# [[en:Psychology|Psychology]]
# [[en:Sociology|Sociology]]
=== Family and relationships ===
# '''[[en:Family|Family]]'''
# '''[[en:Adult|Adult]]'''
# [[en:Boy|Boy]]
# '''[[en:Child|Child]]'''
# [[en:Courtship|Courtship]]
# [[en:Girl|Girl]]
# '''[[en:Infant|Infant]]'''
# [[en:Man|Man]]
# '''[[en:Marriage|Marriage]]'''
## [[en:Husband|Husband]]
## [[en:Wife|Wife]]
# [[en:Woman|Woman]]
=== Thought, behavior and emotion ===
# [[en:Consciousness|Consciousness]]
# [[en:Emotion|Emotion]]
## [[en:Anger|Anger]]
## [[en:Fear|Fear]]
## [[en:Happiness|Happiness]]
## [[en:Hate|Hate]]
## [[en:Love|Love]]
## [[en:Depression (mood)|Sadness]]
# [[en:Mind|Mind]]
# [[en:Sleep|Sleep]]
## [[en:Dream|Dream]]
# [[en:Thought|Thought]]
=== Politics ===
# '''[[en:Politics|Politics]]'''
# [[en:Anarchism|Anarchism]]
# [[en:Democracy|Democracy]]
# [[en:Dictatorship|Dictatorship]]
# [[en:Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]
# [[en:Fascism|Fascism]]
# [[en:Globalization|Globalization]]
# '''[[en:Government|Government]]'''
# [[en:Imperialism|Imperialism]]
# [[en:Liberalism|Liberalism]]
# [[en:Monarchy|Monarchy]]
# [[en:Nationalism|Nationalism]]
# [[en:Republic|Republic]]
# [[en:Separation of powers|Separation of powers]]
# '''[[en:State|State]]'''
# [[en:Political party|Political party]]
# [[en:Theocracy|Theocracy]]
=== Business and economics ===
# '''[[en:Business|Business]]
# '''[[en:Economics|Economics]]'''
## [[en:Macroeconomics|Macroeconomics]]
## [[en:Microeconomics|Microeconomics]]
# [[en:Advertising|Advertising]]
# '''[[en:Agriculture|Agriculture]]'''
# [[en:Capital|Capital]]
# [[en:Capitalism|Capitalism]]
# [[en:Communism|Communism]]
# [[en:Currency|Currency]]
## [[en:Euro|Euro]]
## [[en:Japanese yen|Japanese yen]]
## [[en:Pound sterling|Pound sterling]]
## [[en:Renminbi|Renminbi]]
## [[en:Rupee|Rupee]]
## [[en:United States dollar|United States dollar]]
# [[en:Employment|Employment]]
# [[en:Finance|Finance]]
# [[en:Industry|Industry]]
## [[en:Manufacturing|Manufacturing]]
## [[en:Mining|Mining]]
## [[en:Refining|Refining]]
# [[en:Market|Market]]
# '''[[en:Money|Money]]'''
# [[en:Socialism|Socialism]]
# [[en:Supply and demand|Supply and demand]]
# [[en:Tourism|Tourism]]
=== Law ===
# '''[[en:Law|Law]]'''
# [[en:Crime|Crime]]
# [[en:Constitution|Constitution]]
# Specific documents
## [[en:Magna Carta|Magna Carta]]
## [[en:Leviathan (book)|Leviathan (book)]]
## [[en:Republic (Plato)|Republic (Plato)]]
## [[en:The Communist Manifesto|The Communist Manifesto]]
=== International organizations ===
# [[en:African Union|African Union]]
# [[en:Arab League|Arab League]]
# [[en:Association of Southeast Asian Nations|Association of Southeast Asian Nations]]
# [[en:Commonwealth of Independent States|Commonwealth of Independent States]]
# [[en:Commonwealth of Nations|Commonwealth of Nations]]
# [[en:Council of Europe|Council of Europe]]
# [[en:European Union|European Union]]
# [[en:Geneva Conventions|Geneva Conventions]]
## '''[[en:International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement|International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement]]'''
# [[en:Interpol|Interpol]]
# [[en:NATO|NATO]]
# [[en:Nobel Prize|Nobel Prize]]
# [[en:Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development|Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development]]
# [[en:Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe|Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe]]
# [[en:Organization of American States|Organization of American States]]
# [[en:Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries|Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries]]
# '''[[en:United Nations|United Nations]]'''
## [[en:International Atomic Energy Agency|International Atomic Energy Agency]]
## [[en:International Court of Justice|International Court of Justice]]
## [[en:International Criminal Court|International Criminal Court]]
## [[en:International Monetary Fund|International Monetary Fund]]
## [[en:United Nations Children's Fund|United Nations Children's Fund]]
## [[en:Universal Declaration of Human Rights|Universal Declaration of Human Rights]]
## [[en:World Bank Group|World Bank Group]]
## [[en:World Health Organization|World Health Organization]]
## [[en:World Trade Organization|World Trade Organization]]
=== War and military ===
# [[en:Aerial warfare|Aerial warfare]]
# '''[[en:Military|Military]]'''
## [[en:Army|Army]]
### [[en:Artillery|Artillery]]
### [[en:Cavalry|Cavalry]]
### [[en:Infantry|Infantry]]
## [[en:Navy|Navy]]
# '''[[en:Peace|Peace]]'''
# '''[[en:War|War]]'''
=== Social issues ===
# [[en:Abortion|Abortion]]
# [[en:Birth control|Birth control]]
# '''[[en:Capital punishment|Capital punishment]]'''
# [[en:Freedom|Freedom]]
# [[en:Gender|Gender]]
# '''[[en:Human rights|Human rights]]'''
# [[en:Racism|Racism]]
# [[en:Sexism|Sexism]]
# '''[[en:Slavery|Slavery]]'''
# [[en:World peace|World peace]]
== Culture ==
At least three sentences on:
# '''[[en:Culture|Culture]]'''
# '''[[en:Art|Art]]'''
## [[en:Comics|Comics]]
## [[en:Drawing|Drawing]]
## [[en:Painting|Painting]]
## [[en:Sculpture|Sculpture]]
### [[en:Pottery|Pottery]]
# '''[[en:Dance|Dance]]'''
# [[en:Fashion|Fashion]]
# '''[[en:Theatre|Theatre]]'''
## [[en:Broadway theatre|Broadway theatre]]
## [[en:Noh|Noh]]
=== Language and literature ===
# '''[[en:Language|Language]]'''
# '''[[en:Alphabet|Alphabet]]'''
## [[en:Chinese character|Chinese character]]
## [[en:Cyrillic alphabet|Cyrillic alphabet]]
## [[en:Greek alphabet|Greek alphabet]]
## [[en:Latin alphabet|Latin alphabet]]
## '''[[en:Letter|Letter]]'''
## [[en:Phoenician alphabet|Phoenician alphabet]]
# '''[[en:Book|Book]]'''
# [[en:Dialect|Dialect]]
# '''[[en:Grammar|Grammar]]'''
## [[en:Noun|Noun]]
## [[en:Syntax|Syntax]]
## [[en:Verb|Verb]]
# [[en:Linguistics|Linguistics]]
# [[en:Literacy|Literacy]]
# '''[[en:Literature|Literature]]'''
## [[en:Fiction|Fiction]]
## [[en:Novel|Novel]]
### [[en:Don Quixote|Don Quixote]]
### [[en:The Book of One Thousand and One Nights|The Book of One Thousand and One Nights]]
## '''[[en:Poetry|Poetry]]'''
### [[en:Epic of Gilgamesh|Epic of Gilgamesh]]
### [[en:Iliad|Iliad]]
### [[en:Mahabharata|Mahabharata]]
### [[en:Odyssey|Odyssey]]
# [[en:Pronunciation|Pronunciation]]
# Specific languages
## [[en:Arabic language|Arabic language]]
## [[en:Bengali language|Bengali language]]
## [[en:English language|English language]]
## [[en:Esperanto|Esperanto]]
## [[en:French language|French language]]
## [[en:German language|German language]]
## [[en:Greek language|Greek language]]
## [[en:Hebrew language|Hebrew language]]
## [[en:Hindi|Hindi]]
## [[en:Japanese language|Japanese language]]
## [[en:Latin|Latin]]
## [[en:Russian language|Russian language]]
## [[en:Sanskrit|Sanskrit]]
## [[en:Spanish language|Spanish language]]
## [[en:Chinese language|Chinese language]] <!--With the clarification that it is, linguistically spoken, not one language.-->
## [[en:Tamil language|Tamil language]]
## [[en:Turkish language|Turkish language]] <!--(there is no Ural-Altaic language. It lacks a balance)-->
# '''[[en:Word|Word]]'''
# '''[[en:Writing|Writing]]'''
=== Architecture and civil engineering ===
# '''[[en:Architecture|Architecture]]'''
# [[en:Arch|Arch]]
# [[en:Bridge|Bridge]]
# [[en:Canal|Canal]]
# [[en:Dam|Dam]]
# [[en:Dome|Dome]]
# '''[[en:House|House]]'''
# [[en:Nail (engineering)|Nail (engineering)]]
# Specific structures
## [[en:Aswan Dam|Aswan Dam]]
## [[en:Great Wall of China|Great Wall of China]]
## [[en:Taj Mahal|Taj Mahal]]
# [[en:Pyramid|Pyramid]]
# [[en:Tower|Tower]]
=== Film, radio and television ===
# '''[[en:Film|Film]]'''
## [[en:Animation|Animation]]
## [[en:Silent film|Silent film]]
## [[en:Studio system|Studio system]]
# '''[[en:Radio|Radio]]'''
# '''[[en:Television|Television]]'''
# '''[[en:Music|Music]]'''
# [[en:Compact disc|Compact disc]]
# [[en:Song|Song]]
# Specific music genres
## [[en:Classical music|Classical music]]
### [[en:Opera|Opera]]
### [[en:Symphony|Symphony]]
## [[en:Folk music|Folk music]]
### [[en:Gamelan|Gamelan]]
### [[en:Indian classical music|Indian classical music]]
## [[en:Jazz|Jazz]]
## [[en:Pop music|Pop music]]
## [[en:Reggae|Reggae]]
## [[en:Rhythm and blues|Rhythm and blues]]
### [[en:Soul music|Soul music]]
## [[en:Rock and roll|Rock and roll]]
### [[en:Heavy metal music|Heavy metal music]]
# Specific musical instruments
## [[en:Drum|Drum]]
## [[en:Flute|Flute]]
## [[en:Guitar|Guitar]]
## [[en:Piano|Piano]]
## [[en:String instrument|String instrument]]
## [[en:Trumpet|Trumpet]]
## [[en:Violin|Violin]]
=== Recreation ===
# [[en:Recreation|Recreation]]
# [[en:Entertainment|Entertainment]]
# '''[[en:Game|Game]]'''
## [[en:Backgammon|Backgammon]]
## [[en:Chess|Chess]]
## [[en:Draughts|Draughts]]
## [[en:Go (board game)|Go (board game)]]
## [[en:Mancala|Mancala]]
## [[en:Playing card|Playing card]]
# [[en:Gambling|Gambling]]
# [[en:Leisure|Leisure]]
# [[en:Martial arts|Martial arts]]
## [[en:Judo|Judo]]
# [[en:Olympic Games|Olympic Games]]
# [[en:Party|Party]]
# '''[[en:Sport|Sport]]'''
## [[en:American football|American football]]
## [[en:Auto racing|Auto racing]]
### [[en:Formula One|Formula One]]
## [[en:Badminton|Badminton]]
## [[en:Baseball|Baseball]]
## [[en:Basketball|Basketball]]
## [[en:Cricket|Cricket]]
## [[en:Fencing|Fencing]]
## [[en:Football (soccer)|Football (soccer)]]
## [[en:Ice hockey|Ice hockey]]
## [[en:Rugby football|Rugby football]]
## [[en:Tennis|Tennis]]
## [[en:Volleyball|Volleyball]]
## [[en:Water polo|Water polo]]
## [[en:Wrestling|Wrestling]]
## [[en:Athletics|Athletics]]
# [[en:FIFA World Cup|FIFA World Cup]]
# '''[[en:Toy|Toy]]'''
=== Religion ===
# '''[[en:Religion|Religion]]'''
# [[en:Astrology|Astrology]]
# '''[[en:Deity|Deity]]'''
## [[en:God|God]]
# [[en:Festival|Festival]]
# [[en:Holiday|Holiday]]
# '''[[en:Mythology|Mythology]]'''
## [[en:Greek mythology|Greek mythology]]
# Religious philosophies
## [[en:Agnosticism|Agnosticism]]
## [[en:Atheism|Atheism]]
## [[en:Fundamentalism|Fundamentalism]]
# '''[[en:Soul|Soul]]'''
# Specific religions
## [[en:Bahá'í Faith|Bahá'í Faith]]
### [[en:Báb|Báb]]
### [[en:Bahá'u'lláh|Bahá'u'lláh]]
## [[en:Buddhism |Buddhism ]]
### [[en:Gautama Buddha|Gautama Buddha]]
## '''[[en:Christianity|Christianity]]'''
### [[en:Bible|Bible]]
### [[en:Church|Church]]
### [[en:Jesus|Jesus]]
### [[en:Pope|Pope]]
### [[en:Protestantism|Protestantism]]
### [[en:Roman Catholic Church|Roman Catholic Church]]
### [[en:Trinity|Trinity]]
## [[en:Confucianism|Confucianism]]
### [[en:Confucius|Confucius]]
## '''[[en:Hinduism|Hinduism]]'''
### [[en:Bhagavad Gita|Bhadavad Gita]]
### [[en:Brahma|Brahma]]
### [[en:Brahman|Brahman]]
### [[en:Shiva|Shiva]]
### [[en:Upanishad|Upanishad]]
### [[en:Veda|Veda]]
### [[en:Vedanta|Vedanta]]
### [[en:Vishnu|Vishnu]]
### [[en:Yoga|Yoga]]
## '''[[en:Islam|Islam]]'''
### [[en:Ali|Ali]]
### [[en:Allah|Allah]]
### [[en:Mosque|Mosque]]
### [[en:Muhammad|Muhammad]]
### [[en:Qur'an|Qur'an]]
### [[en:Shi'a Islam|Shi'a Islam]]
### [[en:Sufism|Sufism]]
### [[en:Sunni Islam|Sunni Islam]]
### [[en:Umar|Umar]]
## [[en:Jainism |Jainism ]]
## [[en:Judaism|Judaism]]
### [[en:Abraham|Abraham]]
### [[en:Moses|Moses]]
### [[en:Torah|Torah]]
### [[en:Talmud|Talmud]]
## [[en:Shinto|Shinto]]
## [[en:Sikhism|Sikhism]]
### [[en:Guru Nanak Dev|Guru Nanak Dev]]
## [[en:Taoism |Taoism ]]
### [[en:Laozi|Laozi]]
## [[en:Unitarianism|Unitarianism]]
## [[en:Voodoo|Voodoo]]
## [[en:Zoroastrianism|Zoroastrianism]]
### [[en:Zoroaster|Zoroaster]]
# [[en:Spirituality|Spirituality]]
=== Philosophy ===
# '''[[en:Philosophy|Philosophy]]'''
## [[en:Eastern philosophy|Eastern philosophy]]
## [[en:Western philosophy|Western philosophy]]
# [[en:Aesthetics|Aesthetics]]
# [[en:Beauty|Beauty]]
# [[en:Ethics|Ethics]]
# [[en:Existence|Existence]]
# [[en:Experience|Experience]]
# [[en:Feminism|Feminism]]
# [[en:Free will|Free will]]
# [[en:Humanism|Humanism]]
# [[en:Knowledge|Knowledge]]
# '''[[en:Logic|Logic]]'''
# [[en:Metaphysics|Metaphysics]]
# [[en:Morality|Morality]]
# [[en:Reality|Reality]]
# [[en:Truth|Truth]]
== Science ==
At least a five-sentence introduction to the major fields.
# [[en:Science|Science]]
# [[en:Scientific method|Scientific method]]
=== Astronomy ===
# '''[[en:Astronomy|Astronomy]]'''
# [[en:Asteroid|Asteroid]]
# '''[[en:Big Bang|Big Bang]]'''
# [[en:Black hole|Black hole]]
# [[en:Comet|Comet]]
# '''[[en:Galaxy|Galaxy]]'''
## [[en:Milky Way|Milky Way]]
# [[en:Light year|Light year]]
# '''[[en:Moon|Moon]]'''
# '''[[en:Planet|Planet]]'''
## '''[[en:Earth|Earth]]'''
## [[en:Jupiter (planet)|Jupiter]]
## [[en:Mars (planet)|Mars]]
## [[en:Mercury (planet)|Mercury]]
## [[en:Neptune (planet)|Neptune]]
## [[en:Pluto (planet)|Pluto]]
## [[en:Saturn (planet)|Saturn]]
## [[en:Uranus (planet)|Uranus]]
## [[en:Venus (planet)|Venus]]
# [[en:Solar system|Solar system]]
# '''[[en:Star|Star]]'''
## '''[[en:Sun|Sun]]'''
# [[en:Universe|Universe]]
=== Biology ===
# '''[[en:Biology|Biology]]'''
# Biological materials
## '''[[en:DNA|DNA]]'''
## [[en:Enzyme|Enzyme]]
## [[en:Protein|Protein]]
# [[en:Botany|Botany]]
# '''[[en:Death|Death]]'''
## [[en:Suicide|Suicide]]
# [[en:Ecology|Ecology]]
## [[en:Endangered species|Endangered species]]
## [[en:Extinction|Extinction]]
# '''[[en:Life|Life]]'''
# [[en:Scientific classification|Scientific classification]]
## [[en:Species|Species]]
=== Biological processes ===
# '''[[en:Metabolism|Metabolism]]'''
## [[en:Digestion|Digestion]]
### [[en:Excretion|Excretion]]
## '''[[en:Photosynthesis|Photosynthesis]]'''
## [[en:Respiration (physiology)|Respiration (physiology)]]
# '''[[en:Evolution|Evolution]]'''
## [[en:Human evolution|Human evolution]]
# '''[[en:Biological reproduction|Biological reproduction]]'''
## [[en:Asexual reproduction|Asexual reproduction]]
## [[en:Sexual reproduction|Sexual reproduction]]
### [[en:Heterosexuality|Heterosexuality]]
### [[en:Homosexuality|Homosexuality]]
### [[en:Pregnancy|Pregnancy]]
### [[en:Sex|Sex]]
#### [[en:Female|Female]]
#### [[en:Male|Male]]
### [[en:Sexual intercourse|Sexual intercourse]]
==== Anatomy ====
# '''[[en:Anatomy|Anatomy]]'''
# '''[[en:Cell|Cell]]'''
# [[en:Circulatory system|Circulatory system]]
## [[en:Blood|Blood]]
## [[en:Heart|Heart]]
# [[en:Endocrine system|Endocrine system]]
# [[en:Gastrointestinal tract|Gastrointestinal tract]]
## [[en:Colon (anatomy)|Large intestine]]
## [[en:Small intestine|Small intestine]]
## [[en:Liver|Liver]]
# [[en:Integumentary system|Integumentary system]]
## [[en:Breast|Breast]]
## [[en:Skin|Skin]]
# [[en:Nervous system|Nervous system]]
## [[en:Brain|Brain]]
## [[en:Sensory system|Sensory system]]
### [[en:Auditory system|Auditory system]]
#### [[en:Ear|Ear]]
### [[en:Gustatory system|Gustatory system]]
### [[en:Olfactory system|Olfactory system]]
### [[en:Somatosensory system|Somatosensory system]]
### [[en:Visual system|Visual system]]
#### [[en:Eye|Eye]]
# [[en:Reproductive system|Reproductive system]]
## [[en:Penis|Penis]]
## [[en:Vagina|Vagina]]
# [[en:Respiratory system|Respiratory system]]
## [[en:Lung|Lung]]
# [[en:Skeleton|Skeleton]]
==== Health and medicine ====
# '''[[en:Medicine|Medicine]]'''
# [[en:Addiction|Addiction]]
## [[en:Alcoholism|Alcoholism]]
### [[en:Cirrhosis|Cirrhosis]]
## [[en:Drug addiction|Drug addiction]]
# '''[[en:Cancer|Cancer]]'''
## [[en:Lung cancer|Lung cancer]]
# [[en:Cholera|Cholera]]
# [[en:Dentistry|Dentistry]]
# [[en:Diabetes mellitus|Diabetes mellitus]]
# [[en:Disability|Disability]]
## [[en:Blindness|Blindness]]
## [[en:Hearing impairment|Hearing impairment]]
## [[en:Mental illness|Mental illness]]
# '''[[en:Disease|Disease]]'''
# [[en:Medication|Drugs]]
## [[en:Caffeine|Caffeine]]
## [[en:Cannabis|Cannabis]]
## [[en:Cocaine|Cocaine]]
## [[en:Ethanol|Ethanol]]
## [[en:Nicotine|Nicotine]]
### [[en:Tobacco|Tobacco]]
## [[en:Opium|Opium]]
# [[en:Dysentery|Dysentery]]
# [[en:Health|Health]]
# [[en:Heart disease|Heart disease]]
# [[en:Hypertension|Hypertension]]
# '''[[en:Malaria|Malaria]]'''
# [[en:Malnutrition|Malnutrition]]
# [[en:Obesity|Obesity]]
# [[en:Pneumonia|Pneumonia]]
# [[en:Sexually transmitted disease|Sexually transmitted disease]]
## '''[[en:AIDS|AIDS]]'''
## [[en:Syphilis|Syphilis]]
# [[en:Stroke|Stroke]]
# [[en:Tuberculosis|Tuberculosis]]
# '''[[en:Virus|Virus]]'''
## '''[[en:Influenza|Influenza]]'''
### [[en:H5N1|H5N1]]
## [[en:Smallpox|Smallpox]]
==== Organisms ====
# '''[[en:Organism|Organism]]'''
# '''[[en:Animal|Animal]]'''
## [[en:Arthropod|Arthropod]]
### '''[[en:Insect|Insect]]'''
#### [[en:Ant|Ant]]
#### [[en:Bee|Bee]]
#### [[en:Butterfly|Butterfly]]
### [[en:Arachnid|Arachnid]]
## [[en:Chordate|Chordate]]
### '''[[en:Amphibian|Amphibian]]'''
#### [[en:Frog|Frog]]
### '''[[en:Bird|Bird]]'''
#### [[en:Dove|Dove]]
#### [[en:Eagle|Eagle]]
### '''[[en:Fish|Fish]]'''
#### [[en:Shark|Shark]]
### '''[[en:Mammal|Mammal]]'''
#### [[en:Ape|Ape]]
##### '''[[en:Human|Human]]'''
#### [[en:Bat|Bat]]
#### [[en:Bear|Bear]]
#### [[en:Camel|Camel]]
#### [[en:Cat|Cat]]
#### [[en:Cattle|Cattle]]
#### [[en:Dog|Dog]]
#### [[en:Dolphin|Dolphin]]
#### [[en:Elephant|Elephant]]
##### [[en:Mammoth|Mammoth]]
#### [[en:Horse|Horse]]
#### [[en:Sheep|Sheep]]
#### [[en:Lion|Lion]]
#### [[en:Pig|Pig]]
#### [[en:Whale|Whale]]
### '''[[en:Reptile|Reptile]]'''
#### [[en:Dinosaur|Dinosaur]]
#### [[en:Snake|Snake]]
# [[en:Archaea|Archaea]]
# '''[[en:Bacteria|Bacteria]]'''
# '''[[en:Fungus|Fungus]]'''
# '''[[en:Plant|Plant]]'''
## [[en:Flower|Flower]]
## [[en:Tree|Tree]]
# [[en:Protist|Protist]]
=== Chemistry ===
# '''[[en:Chemistry|Chemistry]]'''
# [[en:Biochemistry|Biochemistry]]
# [[en:Chemical compound|Chemical compound]]
## [[en:Acid|Acid]]
## [[en:Base (chemistry)|Base (chemistry)]]
## [[en:Salt|Salt]]
# '''[[en:Chemical element|Chemical element]]'''
## [[en:List of elements|List of elements]]
## [[en:Periodic table|Periodic table]]
## [[en:Aluminium|Aluminium]]
## [[en:Carbon|Carbon]]
## [[en:Copper|Copper]]
## '''[[en:Gold|Gold]]'''
## [[en:Helium|Helium]]
## '''[[en:Hydrogen|Hydrogen]]'''
## '''[[en:Iron|Iron]]'''
## [[en:Lithium|Lithium]]
## [[en:Neon|Neon]]
## [[en:Nitrogen|Nitrogen]]
## '''[[en:Oxygen|Oxygen]]'''
## [[en:Silver|Silver]]
## [[en:Tin|Tin]]
## [[en:Zinc|Zinc]]
# '''[[en:Metal|Metal]]'''
## [[en:Alloy|Alloy]]
### [[en:Brass|Brass]]
### [[en:Bronze|Bronze]]
### [[en:Steel|Steel]]
# [[en:Organic chemistry|Organic chemistry]]
## [[en:Alcohol|Alcohol]]
## [[en:Carbohydrate|Carbohydrate]]
## [[en:Hormone|Hormone]]
## [[en:Lipid|Lipid]]
# '''[[en:Phase (matter)|Phase (matter)]]'''
## [[en:Gas|Gas]]
## [[en:Liquid|Liquid]]
## [[en:Plasma (physics)|Plasma]]
## [[en:Solid|Solid]]
=== Weather, climate and geology ===
# [[en:Avalanche|Avalanche]]
# '''[[en:Climate|Climate]]'''
## [[en:ENSO|ENSO]]
## [[en:Global warming|Global warming]]
# [[en:Earthquake|Earthquake]]
# '''[[en:Geology|Geology]]'''
## '''[[en:Mineral|Mineral]]'''
### [[en:Bronze|Bronze]]
### [[en:Diamond|Diamond]]
### [[en:Limestone|Limestone]]
## [[en:Plate tectonics|Plate tectonics]]
## '''[[en:Rock|Rock]]'''
### [[en:Basalt|Basalt]]
### [[en:Flint|Flint]]
# [[en:Natural disaster|Natural disaster]]
# [[en:Volcano|Volcano]]
# '''[[en:Weather|Weather]]'''
## [[en:Cloud|Cloud]]
## [[en:Flood|Flood]]
### [[en:Tsunami|Tsunami]]
## [[en:Rain|Rain]]
### [[en:Acid rain|Acid rain]]
### [[en:Snow|Snow]]
## [[en:Tornado|Tornado]]
## [[en:Tropical cyclone|Tropical cyclone]]
=== Physics ===
# '''[[en:Physics|Physics]]'''
# [[en:Acceleration|Acceleration]]
# '''[[en:Atom|Atom]]'''
## [[en:Electron|Electron]]
## [[en:Neutron|Neutron]]
## [[en:Proton|Proton]]
# '''[[en:Energy|Energy]]'''
## [[en:Electromagnetic radiation|Electromagnetic radiation]]
### [[en:Infrared|Infrared]]
### [[en:Visual spectrum|Visual spectrum]]
#### [[en:Black|Black]]
#### '''[[en:Color|Color]]'''
##### [[en:Blue|Blue]]
##### [[en:Green|Green]]
##### [[en:Red|Red]]
##### [[en:Yellow|Yellow]]
#### [[en:White|White]]
### [[en:Ultraviolet|Ultraviolet]]
### [[en:Gamma ray|Gamma ray]]
# '''[[en:Force|Force]]'''
## [[en:Electromagnetism|Electromagnetism]]
## [[en:Gravitation|Gravitation]]
## [[en:Nuclear force|Nuclear force]]
# [[en:Isotope|Isotope]]
# [[en:Light|Light]]
# '''[[en:Mass|Mass]]'''
# '''[[en:Molecule|Molecule]]'''
# [[en:Quantum mechanics|Quantum mechanics]]
# '''[[en:Sound|Sound]]'''
# '''[[en:Speed|Speed]]'''
# [[en:Theory of relativity|Theory of relativity]]
# '''[[en:Time|Time]]'''
# [[en:Velocity|Velocity]]
# '''[[en:Weight|Weight]]'''
=== Timekeeping ===
# '''[[en:Calendar|Calendar]]'''
## [[en:Chinese calendar|Chinese calendar]]
## [[en:Gregorian calendar|Gregorian calendar]]
# '''[[en:Day|Day]]'''
# '''[[en:Month|Month]]'''
## [[en:January|January]]
## [[en:February|February]]
## [[en:March|March]]
## [[en:April|April]]
## [[en:May|May]]
## [[en:June|June]]
## [[en:July|July]]
## [[en:August|August]]
## [[en:September|September]]
## [[en:October|October]]
## [[en:November|November]]
## [[en:December|December]]
# [[en:Time zone|Time zone]]
## [[en:Daylight saving time|Daylight saving time]]
# [[en:Week|Week]]
# '''[[en:Year|Year]]'''
## [[en:Leap year|Leap year]]
== Technology ==
# [[en:Technology|Technology]]
# [[en:Biotechnology|Biotechnology]]
# [[en:Clothing|Clothing]]
## [[en:Cotton|Cotton]]
# [[en:Coinage|Coinage]]
# [[en:Engineering|Engineering]]
## [[en:Inclined plane|Inclined plane]]
## [[en:Lever|Lever]]
## [[en:Pulley|Pulley]]
## [[en:Screw|Screw]]
## [[en:Wedge|Wedge]]
## [[en:Wheel|Wheel]]
# [[en:Irrigation|Irrigation]]
## [[en:Plough|Plough]]
# [[en:Knife|Knife]]
# [[en:Metallurgy|Metallurgy]]
# [[en:Nanotechnology|Nanotechnology]]
=== Communication ===
# [[en:Communication|Communication]]
# [[en:Information|Information]]
# [[en:Journalism|Journalism]]
## [[en:Newspaper|Newspaper]]
## [[en:Mass media|Mass media]]
# [[en:Printing|Printing]]
# [[en:Railroad|Railroad]]
# [[en:Telegraph|Telegraph]]
# [[en:Telephone|Telephone]]
## [[en:Mobile telephone|Mobile telephone]]
=== Electronics ===
# [[en:Electronics|Electronics]]
## [[en:Capacitance|Capacitance]]
## [[en:Gain|Gain]]
## [[en:Charge|Charge]]
## [[en:Current (electricity)|Current (electricity)]]
## [[en:Electrical resistance|Electrical resistance]]
## [[en:Frequency|Frequency]]
## [[en:Inductance|Inductance]]
## [[en:Reactance|Reactance]]
# Components
## [[en:Capacitor|Capacitor]]
## [[en:Inductor|Inductor]]
## [[en:Transistor|Transistor]]
## [[en:Diode|Diode]]
## [[en:Resistor|Resistor]]
## [[en:Transformer|Transformer]]
==== Computers and Internet ====
# [[en:Computer|Computer]]
## [[en:Boot loader|Boot loader]]
## [[en:Hard disk|Hard disk]]
## [[en:Motherboard|Motherboard]]
## [[en:Processor|Processor]]
## [[en:RAM|RAM]]
# [[en:Artificial Intelligence|Artificial Intelligence]]
# [[en:Computer science|Computer science]]
## [[en:Algorithm|Algorithm]]
# [[en:Information technology|Information technology]]
# [[en:Internet|Internet]]
## [[en:E-mail|E-mail]]
## [[en:Internet protocol|Internet protocol]]
## [[en:TCP|TCP]]
## [[en:World Wide Web|World Wide Web]]
### [[en:Web browser|Web browser]]
## [[en:HTTP|HTTP]]
## [[en:HTML|HTML]]
# [[en:Operating system|Operating system]]
## [[en:BSD|BSD]]
## [[en:Linux|Linux]]
## [[en:Mac OS|Mac OS]]
## [[en:Microsoft Windows|Microsoft Windows]]
## [[en:Unix|Unix]]
# [[en:Programming language|Programming language]]
## [[en:BASIC|BASIC]]
## [[en:C++|C++]]
## [[en:Java programming language|Java programming language]]
## [[en:PHP|PHP]]
# [[en:Software|Software]]
# [[en:User interface|User interface]]
## [[en:Keyboard|Keyboard]]
## [[en:Monitor|Monitor]]
## [[en:Mouse (computing)|Mouse (computing)]]
=== Raw materials and energy ===
# [[en:Electricity|Electricity]]
## [[en:Nuclear power|Nuclear power]]
# [[en:Fossil fuel|Fossil fuel]]
## [[en:Coal|Coal]]
## [[en:Gas|Gas]]
## [[en:Oil|Oil]]
# [[en:Fire|Fire]]
# [[en:Internal combustion engine|Internal combustion engine]]
# [[en:Renewable energy|Renewable energy]]
## [[en:Hydropower|Hydropower]]
## [[en:Solar power|Solar power]]
## [[en:Wind power|Wind power]]
# [[en:Glass|Glass]]
# [[en:Paper|Paper]]
# [[en:Plastic|Plastic]]
# [[en:Steam engine|Steam engine]]
# [[en:Wood|Wood]]
=== Transportation ===
# [[en:Transport|Transport]]
# [[en:Aircraft|Aircraft]]
# [[en:Automobile|Automobile]]
# [[en:Bicycle|Bicycle]]
# [[en:Boat|Boat]]
# [[en:Ship|Ship]]
# [[en:Train|Train]]
=== Weapons ===
# [[en:Weapon|Weapon]]
# [[en:Axe|Axe]]
# [[en:Explosive material|Explosive material]]
## [[en:Gunpowder|Gunpowder]]
# [[en:Firearm|Firearm]]
# [[en:Machine gun|Machine gun]]
# [[en:Nuclear weapon|Nuclear weapon]]
# [[en:Sword|Sword]]
# [[en:Tank|Tank]]
== Foodstuffs ==
# [[en:Food|Food]]
# [[en:Bread|Bread]]
# [[en:Cereal|Cereal]]
## [[en:Barley|Barley]]
## [[en:Maize|Maize]]
## [[en:Oat|Oat]]
## [[en:Rice|Rice]]
## [[en:Sorghum|Sorghum]]
## [[en:Wheat|Wheat]]
# [[en:Cheese|Cheese]]
# [[en:Chocolate|Chocolate]]
# [[en:Honey|Honey]]
# [[en:Fruit|Fruit]]
## [[en:Apple|Apple]]
## [[en:Banana|Banana]]
## [[en:Grape|Grape]]
## [[en:Legume|Legume]]
### [[en:Soybean|Soybean]]
## [[en:Lemon|Lemon]]
## [[en:Nut (fruit)|Nut (fruit)]]
## [[en:Orange (fruit)|Orange (fruit)]]
# [[en:Meat|Meat]]
# [[en:Sugar|Sugar]]
# [[en:Vegetable|Vegetable]]
## [[en:Potato|Potato]]
=== Beverages ===
# [[en:Alcoholic beverage|Alcoholic beverage]]
## [[en:Beer|Beer]]
## [[en:Wine|Wine]]
# [[en:Cola|Cola]]
# [[en:Coffee|Coffee]]
# [[en:Milk|Milk]]
# [[en:Tea|Tea]]
# [[en:Water|Water]]
== Mathematics ==
# [[en:Mathematics|Mathematics]]
# [[en:Algebra|Algebra]]
# [[en:Arithmetic|Arithmetic]]
# [[en:Axiom|Axiom]]
# [[en:Calculus|Calculus]]
## [[en:Differentiation|Differentiation]]
## [[en:Integration|Integration]]
# [[en:Geometry|Geometry]]
## [[en:Circle|Circle]]
### [[en:Pi|Pi]]
## [[en:Square|Square]]
## [[en:Triangle|Triangle]]
# [[en:Group theory|Group theory]]
# [[en:Mathematical logic|Mathematical logic]]
# [[en:Mathematical proof|Mathematical proof]]
## [[en:Mathematical induction|Mathematical induction]]
## [[en:Reductio ad absurdum|Reductio ad absurdum]]
# [[en:Number|Number]]
## [[en:Complex number|Complex number]]
## [[en:Integer|Integer]]
## [[en:Natural number|Natural number]]
## [[en:Prime number|Prime number]]
## [[en:Rational number|Rational number]]
# [[en:Infinity|Infinity]]
# [[en:Set theory|Set theory]]
# [[en:Statistics|Statistics]]
# [[en:Trigonometry|Trigonometry]]
=== Отверка и мерощницы===
# '''[[Test-wp/chal/Отверка|Отверка]]'''
# [[Test-wp/chal/СИ|СИ]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Тышшопасма|Тышшопасма]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Полага|Полага]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Юнда|Юнда]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Нютонник|Нютонник]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Вольтовник|Вольтовник]]
# [[Test-wp/chal/Ваттовник|Ваттовник]]

Revision as of 21:36, 6 Червня 2006